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Lift my ban please - Printable Version

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Lift my ban please - HaRd2WiN4YoU - 2016-01-07


yesterday i was banned. I think it was for the game

I know my behaviour was far from the best. Our mid game was extraordinary bad. I flamed doedel_baum who obviously is an admin and asked BooMZgb if he should ban me. As you can see doedel_baum did not have his best game so i tried to kick him in order to have better chances to win that game. There was just one more vote needed.

After we have won that game i tried to join the next ranked game but was kicked immediately.

This is why i wanted to ask why i got banned and if this person thinks this is the best way to keep BTanks - the game he likes to spend time with other players in ranked - alive. If it is just because i initated doedel_baum's kick then it is questionable why the kick-function is still in the game. How long will the ban last? Can the ban be lifted?

Thank you in advance.

RE: Lift my ban please - Tez.Sick - 2016-01-07

Normally 1 week ban   :)
i checked the chatlog and there was some flame, but nothing special
also in other game chatlogs i saw some flame, but i guess you are able to improve your good behavior
i lift the ban and soon you will be able to play again

RE: Lift my ban please - HaRd2WiN4YoU - 2016-01-07

(2016-01-07, 20:04:44)Tez.Sick Wrote: Normally 1 week ban   :)
i checked the chatlog and there was some flame, but nothing special
also in other game chatlogs i saw some flame, but i guess you are able to improve your good behavior
i lift the ban and soon you will be able to play again

Thank you alot for your quick answer and for lifting the ban.