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Immortal bugg - Printable Version

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Immortal bugg - Saiyuki - 2010-02-25

first, this is an english forum, so post in english pls.
second, search a bit, the same bug was reported just below your topic in here.

Re: [8.67 d] unbesiegbarer Dämontank - RaptorXI - 2010-02-25

Saiyuki, was willst du dagegen machen, in welcher Sprache ich hier schreibe?
Und das, was hier größtenteils geschrieben wird, ist kein English, sondern bestenfalls Kaudawelsch mit amerikanischen Vokabeln.

Rough Translation: Saiyuki, what are you going to do about the language I write in? And anyway, what's written here isn't english, but slang at best with american words. )


write in english plz, and what we can do ? mh, i could give u an admonishmentWink

greetz SirJ

Re: [8.67 d] unbesiegbarer Dämontank - Prog - 2010-02-25

It's a matter of manner to try writing in a way every user here can understand. How should anyone know which bugs are allready posted if all write in their own language? It's really sad that anyone even has to explain this...

Re: [8.67 d] unbesiegbarer Dämontank - eSVau - 2010-02-25

"Dämonenpanzer" - at least do not use any anglicismConfusedhock:

Re: [8.67 d] unbesiegbarer Dämontank - T4M.Avatar - 2010-02-26

omg stop flaming each other...
As Paladon said, he posted a replay. we should thank himBig Grin
way better than telling everyone a bug without any hints to find out the problem!