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Immortal bugg - Printable Version

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Immortal bugg - lourien - 2010-02-23

Last game i came across a bug possible due to playerswap. Game was 2v2 in the end the other team swapped tanks which resulted the new owner of demon tank being impossible to hit with weaps or spells.Could be some other reason behind mb some rly rly rly strange coincidence cause he was lagging sometimes also or something but the only action b4 that bug happened was the playerswap cmd.

Re: Immortal bugg - Paladon - 2010-02-23

Impossible to hit?
Was he "invulnerable" or no valid target?

Re: Immortal bugg - GooglyBoogly - 2010-02-24


[8.67 d] unbesiegbarer Dämontank (Invincible Demon Tank) - RaptorXI - 2010-02-25

nach einem playerswap bei 1:00:05

Thanks for the replay, but if you can please try to post in English so the forum isn't littered with double/triples posts in different languages. - IlPalazzo
Rough Translation: "After a player swap at 1:00:05"

Re: [8.67 d] unbesiegbarer Dämontank - Paladon - 2010-02-25

..but he posted a replay.
Thanks for the report and remember to post in English.

Re: Immortal bugg - lourien - 2010-02-26

Impossible to hit with any way.Since we were all same clan we tested it with troops towers weaps spells lol only bomb didnt try ).and no replay sry forgot take

Re: Immortal bugg - Paladon - 2010-02-27

I still don't know what you mean with "impossible to hit".
Did he evade every attack? Did no missile launch? Did the missiles launch and hit him, but he didnt receive damage?

Such details are important.

Re: Immortal bugg - IlPalazzo - 2010-03-01

Topics merged, since these seem related, but the argument conversation bit was moved to Off-Topic,