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I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Printable Version

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I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - BENNIE.FM - 2010-02-05

If your base becomes vulnerable after orginal towers are down its sucks i don't like long games either but com-on there to weak need more hp and more damage even more splash if you could it only takes 1 good oppurtunity after 1 hour to kill a base and and its towers i don't see why it would hurt to make them stronger just the 2 defending the actual base

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - GooglyBoogly - 2010-02-05

because that would make the games go longer, and generally people don't want that.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Battlemaniac - 2010-02-05

BENNIE.FM Wrote:If your base becomes vulnerable after orginal towers are down its sucks i don't like long games either but com-on there to weak need more hp and more damage even more splash if you could it only takes 1 good oppurtunity after 1 hour to kill a base and and its towers i don't see why it would hurt to make them stronger just the 2 defending the actual base

the best solution is to UP the amount of HP, Damage + RANGE of the towers when upgrading them from the smith (the empire upgrades for weapon & armors)

right now it does that already, but the amount of HP + Damage added is not that much

so if they duplicate 2x the amount of HP per upgrade and 2x damage per upgrade, and thrown in Extra Range.... say from 1000 to 1300 or more
i'll say add range on 50 increments per upgrade. starting from 1000 as it is right now
so at level 1 upgrade for weapon upgrade it goes up to 1050, another weapon upgrade, and it goes to 1100, and more and more
so by level 20 upgrades the range becomes 2000, which will make enemy think twice before sieging the base.

and this makes the Mortar units even the more powerful , and you will need to work as a team to siege a tower
as the mortar guys dies of 1 hit usually, so you need to carefully deploy them to hit the towers, and using 2 or more player as a shield the mortar units

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Deathlord - 2010-02-06

2k Range for a base tower? it have no sense... the team can still upgrade the weapons and think of a tower cappable of shot at more than 3k of range... bad idea i think

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - khEg - 2010-02-06

I think improving the base towers isnt too bad. When you think about destroying all the other towers the last two arent a real problem anymore as for siege you usually get stronger from kills/destroyed buildings.
Range upgrade isnt necessary... maybe to 1100 or something but not 2k... would be too stupid ^^
Damage should be improved and splash so the two towers are still able to keep away creeps easily. HP slighty maybe but i think there should be some regeneration added so you cant destroy them with too less gap between your teams strength and opponents.

for 15 upgrades (armor & weapon)
Now towers have 25k life and 100 dmg per shot.
Improved could be 30k life (or 28k .. something) and 150 dmg per shot, splash also slightly improved
And maybe just do the regeneration (only the two base towers) 2 or 3 hp per upgrade? (with 15 it would be 30 or 45 hp regen per second)

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Althend - 2010-02-06

What about making these towers not giving gold when we destroy them?

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - khEg - 2010-02-06

Althend Wrote:What about making these towers not giving gold when we destroy them?
you mean all base towers?

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Saiyuki - 2010-02-06

khEg Wrote:
Althend Wrote:What about making these towers not giving gold when we destroy them?
you mean all base towers?
this would result in an advantage of the defending players. not gaining gold when killing the enemy base would prolong ( even if just a bit ) the end game.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - khEg - 2010-02-06

i think the improvement of the two laser towers at HQ makes more sense then denying goldgain for destroyed buildings

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Prog - 2010-02-06

khEg Wrote:i think the improvement of the two laser towers at HQ makes more sense then denying goldgain for destroyed buildings

Same goes for me, small buff would be sufficient.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Paladon - 2010-02-06

May i suggest to buff all towers a bit then?
I don't like base exceptions and we want to keep a balance.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Prog - 2010-02-06

I'm strictly against buffing all towers, as it would increase gamelength and buff early cp camping. Buffing just the 2 tower at the main building seems way better to me.

€: Buffing all laser towers would also be rather bad as the normal laser towers would either get too strong or the hq base towers stay too weak.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Saiyuki - 2010-02-06

well... then, just create some new towers, which are not available to be bought. then we would have some clear new towers to defend the base and could buff these two towers, while leaving the other laser towers the way they are.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Paladon - 2010-02-06

Saiyuki Wrote:well... then, just create some new towers, which are not available to be bought. then we would have some clear new towers to defend the base and could buff these two towers, while leaving the other laser towers the way they are.

In my opinion the only valueable possibility.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - khEg - 2010-02-06

Paladon Wrote:
Saiyuki Wrote:well... then, just create some new towers, which are not available to be bought. then we would have some clear new towers to defend the base and could buff these two towers, while leaving the other laser towers the way they are.

In my opinion the only valueable possibility.


Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Paladon - 2010-02-16

8.68 will include 4 advanced Laser Towers (2 for each team, called "Main Tower").
They are not rebuildable (their ruins are replaceable with the usual towers), as soon as both are destroyed, the Headquarters become vulnerable.
They are mainly improved by the damage dealt since an improvement of the hitpoints is pretty senseless in terms of the overall situation if they are attacked.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - DerSatan - 2010-02-16

Hmm lets make them able to be built on ruins.. I think its a pity to introduce new towers and not make them available to be built. They could be slightly overpriced, like 3500, so they were mainly for the very very late game or the trader. This would mean they wouldnt be called main tower, but another name can be found for sure. And rebuilt ones dont make the HQ invulnerable again, too, of course.

I'd also like a better Hitpoint regeneration for them.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Battlemaniac - 2010-02-16

Paladon Wrote:8.68 will include 4 advanced Laser Towers (2 for each team, called "Main Tower").
They are not rebuildable (their ruins are replaceable with the usual towers), as soon as both are destroyed, the Headquarters become vulnerable.
They are mainly improved by the damage dealt since an improvement of the hitpoints is pretty senseless in terms of the overall situation if they are attacked.

are these new tower repair-able? via a helper, thinker, or Engineering gear upgrade?

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - Paladon - 2010-02-16

Yeah, except the fact that they are (not yet) rebuildable, their behaviour in terms of gameplay applies to the other towers completely.

Concerning the "rebuild" issue, i'll open a thread for the Developement Team, but everyone is still free to give us an input here.

Re: I think the to towers at base are to weak ! - cyberrabies - 2010-02-16

perhaps a game option should be that the towers are rebuildable or not