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Another -kick abuse thread - Printable Version

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Another -kick abuse thread - Anarchaos - 2010-02-03

First, I'd like to thank the creators and editors of BTanks for a great job. This is an epic map that I've had many good times on.

Second, I'd like to extend a virtual kick in the ballsack to all those who have abused the -kick system. Let me give some examples that we should all be very familiar with.

I've been kicked for having more deaths than kills. (6 and 7)
I've been kicked just to even teams out.
I've been kicked for not doing what some kid told me to. ("hey fag go here now")
I've been kicked for not buying whatever weapon/tank some guy on my team wants we to buy.
I've been kicked for following a teammate.
I've been kicked for being in the same lane as a teammate.
I've been kicked for not sharing the same religious/political views as some guy on my team.
I've been kicked by accident because some noob didn't know the player number of the guy he really wanted to kick.
Etc etc etc.

So, if I may make a small suggestion to the map editors, please, PLEASE revise the kicking system. Plskthx XOXOXOXO <3 <3

Re: Another -kick abuse thread - Althend - 2010-02-03

Lol you forgot:

I have been kicked because I was too powerful and all opponent voted yes and my teamate did it for funBig Grin

Re: Another -kick abuse thread - Paladon - 2010-02-03

I guess i'll add, upon a couple of requests, the examination of the kick system to the to-do listWink

Re: Another -kick abuse thread - khEg - 2010-02-03

Althend Wrote:Lol you forgot:

I have been kicked because I was too powerful and all opponent voted yes and my teamate did it for funBig Grin

once i had 8 : 0 after 2 mins 30 and got kicked by my own team because they said itll give them a lot of money .. xD even an enemy voted no but 3 of my team voted yes and that just was it ^^' .. stupid idiots..
Whoever hates such ppl .. ban "waschdas" ^^'

Re: Another -kick abuse thread - horselance - 2010-02-04

8) Kick system is a divine justice.

:wink: Think it as this way: in fact they are not kicking you, you are kicking them because they are all idiots want you out of them.. If you are not lucky enough, damnn... You will have to play with them for maybe 1 hour...

Sad Imagine you are sharing the same athmosphere with ppl who dont want some1 with 8-0 stats.

:!: Voting will reveal the psychological class of players..

Re: Another -kick abuse thread - lyf590 - 2010-02-05

Anarchaos Wrote:I've been kicked for not sharing the same religious/political views as some guy on my team.
I've been kicked by accident because some noob didn't know the player number of the guy he really wanted to kick.


Anarchaos Wrote:I've been kicked for having more deaths than kills. (6 and 7)
I've been kicked just to even teams out.
I've been kicked for not buying whatever weapon/tank some guy on my team wants we to buy.

I hate it when i get kick cuz of these situations

Anarchaos Wrote:I've been kicked for not doing what some kid told me to. ("hey fag go here now")
I've been kicked for following a teammate.
I've been kicked for being in the same lane as a teammate.

ummm i dont know wat the situation here but if someone calls top/bottom solo i would leave them alone instead of getiing in their way unless if they cant handle the lane.
I dont like it when ppl get into my lane either

Re: Another -kick abuse thread - Battlemaniac - 2010-02-05

lyf590 Wrote:I dont like it when ppl get into my lane either

so you admit you are one of those!
caught red handed Big Grin