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Anyone play TKoK? - Printable Version

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Anyone play TKoK? - VuDu - 2010-01-27

Hi guys anyone play The Kingdom of Kaliron? It's very good rpg where you have to think more ,not like Twilight's eve and other stupid orpgs .

Re: Anyone play TKoK? - Saiyuki - 2010-01-27

yeah, some of our mates are playing it ( including myself ).
whisper me ingame if you want a run or know some more players. for privacy i won't note them down in here. ^^

Re: Anyone play TKoK? - khEg - 2010-01-27


Re: Anyone play TKoK? - VuDu - 2010-01-28

well i'm on mirc channel #crimson you can join there and just to know i play only in garena (to lazy to get original wc3 key )
EDIT: i can go in hamachi too

Re: Anyone play TKoK? - VuDu - 2010-01-29

oh i forgot my garena nick is Vampira959