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Getting Imba (Flame) - Printable Version

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Getting Imba (Flame) - newbcake3 - 2010-01-19

The feedback/suggestion forum is meant to provide constructive criticism for the DevTeam and discuss issues of balance/mechanics. Although some of the discussion here is legitimate, please do not make personal attacks or smug remarks, as this naturally tends to derail a topic into a flame war.. Feel free to repost any relevant information to the topic or request it to be move back if you feel it has been unfairly moved here.


can you post all the statistics please, it wouldnt surprise me if someone as smug as yourself would blatantly lie and then wink at me

Re: gettin Imba - Paladon - 2010-01-19

You and everyone else can check the league statistics as soon as the official league is online (or simply play the map).
BT team members (every) have access, but it's not thought for the public yet.

Quote:it wouldnt surprise me if someone as smug as yourself would blatantly lie and then wink at me

This, my dear, is a mistake you're doing.

Re: gettin Imba - newbcake3 - 2010-01-20

my dear? please, stop being such a faggot. you havent done anything but piss people off and act like a queer since exodus and bob666 left


Re: gettin Imba - Paladon - 2010-01-20

newbcake3 Wrote:my dear? please, stop being such a faggot. you havent done anything but piss people off and act like a queer since exodus and bob666 left


Are you really that naively?
Come on, try to get down to earth again. We are just trying to talk with you.

Re: gettin Imba - psycho_dmr - 2010-01-20

just dont talk to him: do not feed the trolls.Wink