2009-08-30, 13:32:07
The radius of the area arround the controlpoints you can port to is quite small. I don't suggest to change this (--> no gameplay change), but the radius of the targetable area should be enlarge. Its like in DotA if you know that, you can only port directly to the tower, just an area about 200 units small, but the area you can click is much bigger. This would make it much easier to port just by clicking at the minimap. Its always annoying to do a missclick and waste 1-2 possibly important seconds to defend the controlpoint.
Red the current port radius and as I think, also they clickable radius. If you want to port to a point outside the red circle, you get an error.
I'd suggest that there is a larger clickable area (blue). If you click a point (yellow) outside the red area but in the blue one, you will be ported to the purple point.
Red the current port radius and as I think, also they clickable radius. If you want to port to a point outside the red circle, you get an error.
I'd suggest that there is a larger clickable area (blue). If you click a point (yellow) outside the red area but in the blue one, you will be ported to the purple point.