2009-07-14, 15:49:45
A lot of games, which are not HB take quite long, when teams are balanced. More gold is only produced by player creeps and Aura creeps. To spawn Aura creeps you need to build the troop Command Center and upgrade the Aura for 3000 Gold - which is quiet a lot.
I suggest a special Creep spawning one time every 5 Minutes at every lane. For example a "General".
He could get a range between artillery and marine, so he always stands in the middle of a wave. Also he got some really useful Auras for the creeps,but if possible for example not for Players.
He should have a lot more HP than usual creeps. He give 250Gold standard Bounty + X for every Minute over. (Or more if you want)
The advantages are:
More diversity in Gameplay and creeps.
More Gold over time, so games get a little faster - not important for HB, but for Normal games.
Troops at a lane with no enemy get a chance to cause a little more damage to towers --> also maybe a bit faster gameplay.
Through extra Auras this creep wave could be completly different from the old usual known waves - maybe also faster running.
I suggest it, because Exo want faster games and I think this could be interisting with 750 extra Gold. A special Wave every 5 Minutes
(Note that this is a suggestion. You can also start spawning every 10min or just after 15min, so not from beginning..., now the others )
I suggest a special Creep spawning one time every 5 Minutes at every lane. For example a "General".
He could get a range between artillery and marine, so he always stands in the middle of a wave. Also he got some really useful Auras for the creeps,but if possible for example not for Players.
He should have a lot more HP than usual creeps. He give 250Gold standard Bounty + X for every Minute over. (Or more if you want)
The advantages are:
More diversity in Gameplay and creeps.
More Gold over time, so games get a little faster - not important for HB, but for Normal games.
Troops at a lane with no enemy get a chance to cause a little more damage to towers --> also maybe a bit faster gameplay.
Through extra Auras this creep wave could be completly different from the old usual known waves - maybe also faster running.
I suggest it, because Exo want faster games and I think this could be interisting with 750 extra Gold. A special Wave every 5 Minutes
(Note that this is a suggestion. You can also start spawning every 10min or just after 15min, so not from beginning..., now the others )
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^