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Flight Simulator Concept
Hello there,
I thought some of you might be interested in this. I created some kind of flight simulator for warcraft III, for now its not meant as a game.

Just take a look here:
HMM interestingSmile
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Is it a further development of combat zone flight concept? Even better?

If the world editor map size is too little, you can expand it to 480x480 in the JNGP. I'm aware of the current editor in incompatible with latest wc3 version, but I think if you only expand the map in newgen editor and do the rest in the normal editor, it could work. But I haven't tested it myself yet...
this isnt a further development of combat zone, its something completely different. does not base on combat zone, and the physics are completely 3-dimensional now, while combat zone was some kind of pseudo-3-dimensional and did not contain any 3d angular momentum.

and i think i dont need to make the map bigger. something more interesting could be to be able to move the camera higher into the sky, but thats impossible probably (currently the fly height is limited).

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