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[8.58]AI respawn timer
Not sure if this has already been reported, but I just played a single player game vs AI in all slots but myself, and after about 5-6 minutes when the enemy AI died, they stopped respawning. The timers went to 00:00 and then stopped. They stayed dead and never came back for the rest of the game. After they had been dead for 5minutes the auto AFK-AI kicked in, but still no respawning.Sad This happened only to the Light Force AI, but I can't remember if the Dark Force AI ever died after the other team all went dead, so I'm not sure if the bug is exclusive to Light Force AI only. I got a replay, its about 10mins total play time.


:edit: Changed subject to a more suitable description.
I’ve played several games with all AI on 8.58 so far and this has never happened to me. Unfortunately I’m at work right now, so I can’t watch the replay. Is it reproducible?
Is SC2 - Battle Tanks out yet?
I played a few more battles single player, didn't happen again. I didn't use the same weps tho.

this bug is realy strange Oo...
i tried to reproduce it in about 20 games but it did not worked...
list of things i did:
everything singleplayer with -gold
mode normal:
planted mines, heavy mines, and huge mines.
neither single nor double nor tripple matter by which mine they got killed
worked. even if the resurrection times were totally equal they respowned like they should

mode 5k hb:
same happened...
so nothing happened.
i tried everything.
i did double, tripple, multi, godlike kills which each kind of mine
but i only got the resurrection time equal one time-no idea which kind of mine it was(i fielded their cp..)

i have no idea how this could happen .... Oo that makes me feel sad =/

the only thing i could find out that it happened by using mines, dont know if only heavy mines do this,
but every time you killed a bot with the mine it did not respawn
Maybe just a glitch..Confused
I tried to reproduce too, couldn't do it. I only used the Heavy Mines first time though, and this time i used all mines but no bug showed. Strange.

I think it's a glitch, I had this happen to me once in a game of battleships X.
bships with bots?
Makes me think - this doesn't need to have anything to do with the fact that I played vs AI at the time. So maybe look into a different area of code too, if this is taken to be a serious bug.
Imo it's nothing big.. it has happened to me once, in a full year of btanks playing, unless you guys changed something in the respawn code.Smile

ChronicStoned Wrote:offtopic:
bships with bots?
Nope, it was during a bnet game. It really sucked.

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