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message when someone changes the teamname
its just a little thing, but in a few games yet, someone used the teamname so flam/spam/offend someone... i think it would be nice if there is a message, when someone changes the teamname. (so that you know who's the asshole and can ban him)
No Support via PM!!
and another thing about abusing commands: when someone wants to kick someone else for stupid reasons and the vote doesnt pass, he tries to kick that player over and over again every minute. a command would be nice which automatically lets me vote "no" to every kicking vote, as its very annoying.
I agree psycho.
I saw people choosing rasistic or even words from Nationalsocialism (dont know the exact English words) which are forbidden.
I usally try to kick them immediatly if they are in my team, but if they where in the enemy Team you dont know who the one was.
-- And if you choose another game name they go on changing to bad words. :cry:
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
i think changing the team funi as long as no 1 is offended and there is no racism and so on.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
In addition to naming team-name-changers, the -team command alone could be used to set team name to default. This beats thinking of and typing a new team name. In fact, if -t were the command it would be even easier (and better).

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