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Wc3 won't run anymore

I've got a huge problem with my Wc3: it's impossible to play, I never get more than 5 fps, even on the lowest settings. I've always been able to play on my laptop, but I cannot solve this problem, which started about 14 days ago, even re-installing windows and all drivers did not help. My laptop is a celeron 1,3 Ghz, 512 Mb Ram, XP Pro with SP2, DirectX 9.0c, Intel graphic card with shared memory, 64 Mb. I bought it in 2005 and never had a problem playing Wc3 (which I of course re-installed several times). Other games like CS or "The Guild" run smoothly. Any ideas?
Sorry absolutly no idea, maybe best thing to do is look at the official blizzard/bnet/warcraft3 site and forums and look for solutions there? I dont know, sounds like a very strange problem to me.

You could try the following considering you have a friend with a wc3 version: just copy paste his entire install map onto you pc (via lan, ext hdd or disc) and try to play from that. Although i cant imagine the problem could lie within your warcraft installation.
Yeah, I've already contacted their support and gave them my MSInfo and dxdiag files, I hope they've encountered this case beforeWink
I had a copy of Wc3 which I installed a year or two ago on my second partition, I always just used it instead of re-installing, that was my own American copy, I've also cleanly installed a German one now, but same difference, the problem seems to be on a more basic levelUndecided
In case anyone ever encounters a similar problem: for some reason, the fan which is supposed to cool the CPU etc. stopped working for about a month, this led to a temperature increase, the CPU was at about 77° Celsius (according to Dell, around 50° would be normal). This led to a decreased performance, I gues Intel's speed stepping triggered, so the capability of the whole system wasn't enough to smoothly run Wc3 anymore. Now the fan's back to normal, no idea why that happened all over sudden, but as long as it works, I don't care ;-)

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