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Conquest Victory/share
I wish to know what it change in game when this option is activated/deactivated.
Also if the -share command is one time only. (gold transfer can be disabled after enabled?)
TY for your attention.
conquest victory
if ur team owns all control points on the map, a timer will start, when this reaches zero, your team wins. can be stopped when the enemy get one of them back.

yeah only enabling for the first 2 min (if not custom mode).
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Both are commands which can be entered by the host in the first two minutes. Once activated, they stay active.

-share: enables gold and item sharing, which means you can give gold and items to your allies (which is not possible by default)

-conquest victory: when your team holds all Control Points a countdown of 15 minutes starts, you have to hold all CPs for that time to win the game. When you lose one CP, the timer is reset.

Edit: ... too slow ...
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Thanks, guys! BTW saiyuki, your avatar ROX!
I don't think it would be so stupid to turn off again the cv and share mode, but only you can do so before the 2 mins has elapsed.
It's abusable when you can turn it on and off again. For example, when the host is losing because of a Conquest Victory-Timer he just turns this mode off and is safe.

Or he's activating the share-mode only when he needs it and then turns it off again ...

I think it's better the way it is now.
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TKF Wrote:I don't think it would be so stupid to turn off again the cv and share mode, but only you can do so before the 2 mins has elapsed.

hm... its cleary... ^^
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Hm, sounded like a reference to the current situation ... but well.
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But share mode could be abusable this way...

But if you give gold or someone leaves while share is turned on, you cannot deactivate it again^^. Only to prevent share abuse by turning it on at start, someone gives host money, and then turns off again. It will then stay on!

I don't think this would be a problem with cv mode.

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