Morkardar, can ghost bot use safelists?
People keep blaming ghost for lag. Everytime a game lags that ghost is hosting it doesn't mean it's because of ghost.
So far my computer has hosted roughly 1,000 games with ghost and as far as I can tell the ghost bot doesn't cuase any lag issues. The amount of lag you will allow joining players to have is adjustable at the start but once a game starts if some one's connection goes to shit then it's going to lag everyone no matter what untill that guy gets dropped. Some comon examples of what cuases lag are: antivirus starts a download (solution turn that off while on bnet), family member or friend gets on the internet on another compuer and starts sharing bandwidth (solution: kick their ass!), some one turns on a music player and/or other programs overloading their processor and/or ram (solution: none, some poeple are just retarded).
My internet connection's pretty good but every 2 or 3 months on average my I.S.P. goes down for a few minutes to an hour usually 1 to 3 times a day for a few days in a row for whatever reason. If you are playing a qweqbot hosted game and it drops or lag then tough shit. I'm sorry but shit happens. My suggestion: Enjoy the lag! Think of it as a handicap as I do.
The last 100 to 200 games I've hosted with ghost bot have had no games drop!
I got 2 cd key sets now!!!! Thank you slider! qweqbot's got games going constantly now and I currently let anyone use it to host who wants to. All the games don't allow players to download the map which is good since I dont' want their noob stink to stink up my games anyways.

Anyone who uses it to cheat or custom kick is removed from the admin list though.
Here's 2 new things I've noticed some more cool things about ghost:
1. if some one leaves during a countdown ghost cancel's the countdown and the game doesn't start! That's priceless!
2. You can lock the game so that other admins can't use ghost comands in the game creator's game. I think it only locks if the game creator's in the game though.
Here's some weird stuff and tips for ghost bot I've noticed and learned:
Once, I think a guy was -kicked from his team but he didn't leave the game. He was still there for a half hour or so more untill the game ended, and he was typing to us and being pretty funny about it.
I think I've figured out one way that I was accidently making ghost end all its games in an instant. I believe that when I scrolled through chat in the ghost display window while games were going it was causing an error which made all players to get disconnected. Now i've been leaving the ghost window minimized and haven't had an issue for 2 days.
You can put comands for ghost in the bot's profile
If you're looking for an extra set of cd keys just ask your friends. There are a ton of people with extra cd cases they don't need just lying around collecting dust. Also, if you know some one from another realm isn't going to go to the realm you use your bot in then you can use their regular cd key if they let you and as long as your bot doesn't go to their realm there isn't an issure as far as I know. I've heard of people sharing like this a lot and I was able to play in other realms using the same set of keys as qweqbot without an issue when I had qweqbot going in lordaeron.
You can whisper comands to your bot and /whois your bot to see where it is.
I believe a 0 = no or false and a 1 = yes or true in all ghost cfg files.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?