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I use to host when i had dile-up now that i have dsl i can't host anyone know why? :?: Please help me i love hosting.Tongue
you have to forward a port (i think its 6112) in your router, as well as in any firewall you have active while playing. every router is different, have a look at

thousands of people had this problem before you, means that you will probably find held just by using google. of course, you can ask here too, just a suggestion. Smile
I searched by google too but I didnt find something. At portforward isnt my router -.- . I have a Speedport W700V
speedport ^^

hmm dunno... you can try to see if you find a router similar to yours. all these 1000 routers arent too different.

then you could try to google for your router's name to get addidtional information. all you need is to forward a port in it.

or you register at a bigger warcraft community like dota (forum) or and post your problem (with as much information as possible and what you have done so far) into the proper forum.
im pretty sure there are people who can help you out better, but some might got annoyed from numerous people who only cry "i cant host" and dont try anything themselves. Tongue
I also have this router and no problems.

Like I've already told you, just use Port-Forwarding, single Ports instead of whole range and of course the right PC (IP). Thats everything.
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Theres nothing to add.... out of interesst ... does it work by now?
This is a signature .... believe it! -or not (that's your problem)

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