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Goldmine, Fountain Water, Mill for what??
Hi all,

can somebody explain me for what the Mill, Goldmine, Fountain Water, Oil refinery, Market Place ... exist. I can't buy there anything.
Thank You



Hi an Alle,

kann mir jemand erklären für was Mill, Goldmine, Fountain Water, Oil refinery, Market Place ... existieren. Ich kann dort nichts kaufen.


They are for the trader.
yeah, a bit more specific.
get a trader, fly near this building and use ur trading skill, get back to the trade master and eschange the items for gold or items.
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And even more detailed:

In the mid of the map, you have the trademaster (i am not 100% sure that is his name ingame) where you can buy the trade zeppelin. At that moment, you are the trader. When you are trader, you get 10 lumber wich you can exchange at those places you mentioned for the goods they offer. You do that with your trading skill (currently under the 'T' button???). When you have an item (or later on more items), you go back to the trademaster and hit your trading skill button again. Then he buys the goods from you and you get money, wood and xp for that. Then you go back to one of those places and it all starts over again. You always get 1 or 2 lumber MORE from the trademaster then you payed for it, that way you can build up your lumber stack wich enables you to go for longer trading routes with more items to trade.

NOTE: the gold you get is divided in half, one half is for you, the other half goes to your fellow teammates. (ie. you get 200 gold for an item, then you get 100 gold and the other 4 teammates each get 25 gold).

NOTE2: at the trademaster, you can also exchange goods for items like a factory, a bomb, ...

NOTE3: a trader can never use any weapons or hulls, its not a fighting tank, its a supporting one.

If you have more questions, dont hold back to ask.

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