2008-11-13, 05:19:15
There are (at least) two bugs with mines in general. One is just a typo; in the demolisher's ability, it says the first level does 360 damage, when it really does 320. That's been bugging me for a while and I kept forgetting to report it. The other is a placement bug; if you place a mine halfway down the slopes to the 2 middle bases, it moves it up to the top of the slope and you can stack mines this way. As far as I know this is true for all versions, not just for 8.54b, I just put that in the title because that's the version I found these in.
You may notice that some of my posts are somewhat disconnected in their ideas and don't really flow that well. That's because my mind drifts around like a jellyfish in a strong ocean current. You just lost the game.