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[8.50] half firing rate
I had 3 guns of same range (750) - 2x fan of knives and 1 plasma wave. While destroying some towers on the sidelane, they were firing 2 times slower. Happened a few times in the same game, and I noticed that it stopped always when I came a bit closer, so I think this occurs when you're exactly in range.
Btw the torpedo also happens to jam (at different distances)... is the cooldown put before or after each shot?
It's a wc3 constant. Weapons do have a buff that last 0.01 sec, when the buff is active, weapon won't fire if you are within a certain distance that makes the weapons perfectly unfortunately time with the buff, which makes weapons stop.

So basically, worst thing is laser in point blank range, especially if you have 2-3 lasers, you dps isn't 100% effective when weapons fire! It does sometimes stop without you noticing it, so instead of having effective 2400 dps, it's maybe only 1400-1800 without you noticing it.
I have noticed it too. I know the automated firing, like the phoenix does, has this little 0.01seconds buff which is used for fireing. But with 2 fan of knives the weapons sometimes stop to fire even with enough enemies who arent attacked and buffed for 0.01 seconds. That means sometimes only 60-70% effective only with tank cannon and 2 fans for 2 or 3 seconds.
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
Can someone provide more info on this topic?

If weapons do occur to jam, isn't it a critical issue? I think yes.
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Fast weapons are more likely to jam if they are more than one and in different frequency. Laser is most problematic. Thats why I dont use fast-fire weapons... Their effectiveness is 10% reduced average as i can see.
But there is nothing can be done about this.

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