2012-07-26, 23:53:06
hi i just like to point out something i read b4 an no im not criticizing anything but maybe something that alots raider not to be more powerful but easy to time right the heal comes up 5 4 3 2 1 i don't think it should be appear people should have to time these spells on themselves instead.
Because atm u don't see how long an anti grav ulti will last in seconds on your screen so you cant create the perfect combo (Because atm there is a split second were people can tp put there own troops out
Same as ulti for sky fort
Or ulti for medi
Or titan ulti i don think any timing of spells should appear to make it fair as possible just a thought (Knowing when the ulti is going to end instead of dieing especially if you do ulti close to no health
or other thing would be to add timing to all these spells but that seems ridiculous your thoughts are we welcome
Please advice spells and circumstances of all these tanks are different i just think that timing of spells on screen should not be allowed no matter what the think is
Because atm u don't see how long an anti grav ulti will last in seconds on your screen so you cant create the perfect combo (Because atm there is a split second were people can tp put there own troops out
Same as ulti for sky fort
Or ulti for medi
Or titan ulti i don think any timing of spells should appear to make it fair as possible just a thought (Knowing when the ulti is going to end instead of dieing especially if you do ulti close to no health
or other thing would be to add timing to all these spells but that seems ridiculous your thoughts are we welcome
Please advice spells and circumstances of all these tanks are different i just think that timing of spells on screen should not be allowed no matter what the think is
Cat power < needs to be implemented into bt
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM