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V8.58 Weather Effects anomalies
V8.58 seems to either begin with weather effects disabled and using the -w code at startup enables them with the effect becoming noticable some minutes later, or the map is anomalously re-enabling weather effects. The former condition was noted within the first few minutes of gameplay, the latter was noted some tens of seconds after 20 minutes of gameplay, at slightly (10 - 20 seconds) different times for at least 2 players in a 10 player game on battlenet. In at least one instance the weather effects were observed to have become re-enabled twice more during a 1 hour game, and were successfully disabled by -w each time.

Since there was no announced change to the weather effect, the unexpected state change may represent an undetected array addressing overflow error during gameplay overwriting an unrelated state variable.
i don't enter -w and i don't have any weather effects.
never, at no time of gameplay
Well, I also didnt noticed weather effect turned on.

But I sometimes write -w accidently at the start and notice later i turned weather on :mrgreen:
(But I will observe it now :wink: )
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
played about 1/2 dozen games so far, and haven't noticed anything either. Starts off and stays off (except for the first game where I turned it on for a couple of minutes), but that was because i'd just been in the habbit of -w @ start.
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
this is not a bug. it is a feature. if you go to the download page and read the change log, you will see that special effects and weather are disabled by default at the beginning of the game.

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