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[8.35] AI issues
1: If -lai is on and leaver is pilot (didn't buy tank), the ai will just sit there.

2: the ai is pretty stupid when it comes to mines or repeatedly going back to a lane where it constatnly dies
The second can be fixed
my suggestion

AI Dies
Unit - A unit Dies
AI_is_bot[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] Equal to True
Set AI_Death_point[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] = (Position of (Dying unit))

AI moves to Death position
Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting a point
AI_is_bot[(Player number of (Owner of (Ordered unit)))] Equal to True
(Distance between (Position of (Ordered unit)) and AI_Death_point[(Player number of (Owner of (Ordered unit)))]) Less than or equal to 1000.00
-------- here you must order him to go to other position --------
Issue 1 #

I played a game yesterday, where a idiot player dropped everything he had and left in nopool mode. He didn't understand that he mustn't drop his items. So there the tank is AI controlled for the rest of the game without weapons -.- which eventually made us lose.

Solution: pick every items owned by player and give it to the AI OR pick every items and calculate its value and give it's half value to computer player in gold. I hope this is possible...

Issue 2 #

It's not possible to kick computers in -lai mode (when human player left, and AI takes control, it cannot be kicked...)
Another AI issue.

Player is tinker.
Player makes towers.
Player leaves.
AI buys tank
AI has tank+towers
Another AI issue.

Player is sky vehicle.
Player buys bombs.
Player gets kicked.
AI buys ground tank
AI has bombs in ground tank (they work)

I imagine this would also apply to the AA gun
LOL sorry... so many things... but...

If the leaver drops weapons, ai doesn't pick them back up.

Also - If the player leaves while in a tinker, the AI will repeatedly teleport to a CP and die, feeding in an endless loop. This went on for 45-50 minutes one game, until it bought a thunder tank.
That is probably cuz the stupid leaver was broke -.-

Anyway ty for your nice contribution to the -lai AI problem ^^

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