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Why I'm getting sick of League

Nothing bothers me worse than greedy players who buy over 20k on weapons and have an airship or a non-stunning tank; then wonder why we cannot defend control points and blame the team for the loss. If you have 2 players on the team like that you're doomed!

We have alot of idiots out there who continue to fail to help or cover allies during an attack, opting to farm and ult creeps, make reckless chasing/suicidal plays to make a kill, skip out on saving CPs or come in after everyone has died and spend their money on weapons instead of saving for a tank.

The effect? They farm the team poor, they feed the highest bounty to the enemy, then they spend the money on weapons instead of a larger tank that stuns, teleport, nets or barricades when needed.

hajdoka is such a player. But nothing beats the arrogance of such players,they think they are good because they make a build that cuts the throats of their allies to farm creeps fastest.

Then they get rewarded by the flawed ELO correction factor.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
Well it's better to get more hp balance wise than dps. It's better to be an tanker than be dpser. This is not wow.

As long players are very defensive and not to aggressive when fighting so they die often they feed well.

I'm not playing league. Also if I play trader, yes in a normal game nowadays you get kicked instantly -.-

I can't wait for SC2 Battle Tanks and see the big differenceSmile
play some more priv interns will heal that.Smile
Thanks guys,

I just have to lower my expectations on league. I've always known the risk of RT public games, it's why I started my first clan in 2004 for DoTA. I did it to create an inner circle of honorable men (and women).

Funny quite a few ladies played this until a barrage of narccistic idiots flooded bnet.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
Rob this is a suggestions forum not a complaints forum.

First of all Btanks is at a lower public-skill-level than DOTA is. Most players in DOTA realize when to combo and how to do it well. Players in battle tanks have less things to think about and most of the time don't even think about their allie's abilities cd or anything like that (ult creeps, random stunning etc). They basically run around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for waves of creeps or perhaps the "feeders" on the other team that they can farm off. They don't care about stupid CPs and pick air tanks to purposefully avoid the responsibility of having to play with the team because if your team is a bunch of noobs who don't realize how and when to combo shit then you're all alone and nothing beats an air tank for soloing and farming.

A suggestion to change something that a player does not pay attention to - ELO - will likely change absolutely nothing whatsoever. These guys hardly pay attention to shit in game as you have said so why should we believe that it will change anywhere else? They don't pay attention!

Communication is key and if ONE suggestion belongs in this forum it is the CD's of the tanks abilities in the menubar that shows your allies' names. In DOTA only 1 CD is listed, the ultimate but in battle tanks all cooldowns could be easily? listed (if they exist). This compensates for a lack of communication and adds a convenience factor too.

I think your #1 problem is the fact that you usually go mid lane GEN, you need to pick the solo lane, and then dominate it. If your allies are around their other allies then perhaps they wouldn't have their heads in the sand and if they need help, you can go help them. The main premise is assuming you won't fuck your own lane up... and I think that's doable. Try changing your strategy to make the team you are on conform to teamwork. A solo lane guy is only going to think "where can I farm" or "I can't leave the lane" and they might not even be checking the minimap at all. At least if they are mid with allies you know they are safer n shit.

So long story short, GEN needs to change how he plays but he doesn't want to. You need to go a solo lane, help your allies and not the reverse. Simple as that.
There is a limit to personal skill. You can improve yourself by playing league but there is a moment where you get a cap. To go trough it, you need teamplay, communication, learning from "pros"... The problem is that since it is "random" team, it does not help to communicate so most people cannot do better.
Of course you can get trough this cap by watching replays etc... But is much muc much MUCH more long and annoying than direct teamplay/communication with someone you are use to play with.

Some good urprise/player emerge from league. (Actually I think that most bt clans don't recruit that much....)

(Yeah Yeah I have been shaman and never recruited anybody, I am such a shame and should not criticize Big Grin)

There is a moment where personnal skill and teamplay are linked together.

It is a inherent problem of league. It is resolve trough the BTT. I think it is really interesting to watch/play these match. We discover some really nice surprise/new player trough it. Somehow it is normal that experimented team win it. (I mean that Sake and Bug have the most experience in private pro match. It is just a fact. USA started to play much more later.) This competition level should increase trough the time. (if people keep playing war3.... But I think that btanks can really get popular/improved trough sc2)
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Scron2 it's not your place to say I shouldn't be posting my complaints and suggestions in the suggestions forum.

Quote:A suggestion to change something that a player does not pay attention to - ELO - will likely change absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Scron2 you are wrong. Most league players are keenly aware of their stats, not necessarily their ELO but definitely their kill:death ratio and farming. They constantly cite it in shallow judgement of other players. There are alot of stats whores out there who farm and mismanage the gold from it.

The solution so far that I have heard everywhere is to outfarm the greedy noobs that mismanage the gold; therefore I need to be a greedy player and but my allies throats in order to ensure the gold goes toward the right thing. Sadly this sort of thing tends to promote greedy habits, but this is not the main point I'm trying to clarify.

In the last 3 or 4 league balanced random team games I've lost due to the false balancing of players with an ELO of 1500 and no games in.

The point of my post is to suggest:

Each game a player does not not leave or AFK should get 0.5 points added to their ELO for each game completed; to prevent the veteran players (having 100 games) being confused with the noobs who don't understand basic strategies like saving CPs and buying big tanks instead of 20k in weapons.

There is a world of difference between a league balanced random team and tournament game.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
Well I'll stick with the one thing I said -- btanks might be able to use at least an ultimate spell cooldown display (like dota) so you can tell if your ally can even help you.
I agree being able to see allies ult CD would be helpful...something that could be mentioned to Paladon.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
olivercamel Wrote:play some more priv interns will heal that.Smile

Oliver only play intern with sake thats why ^^xD Joke

GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote:I agree being able to see allies ult CD would be helpful...something that could be mentioned to Paladon.

- Rob

This is silly to me by being aware of your team mates and watching the map you can idenitify or have at least a good estimate on when the spell with be back sometimes i attack cause i know people can't tp away or there spells are on cds

As for someone taking all the money i do it often only cause my retarted teams mates stand there doing nothing or they will do nothing with it but your right about some retards by 25k on 6khp tank seen it twice in a row
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
BENNIE.FM Wrote:As for someone taking all the money i do it often only cause my retarted teams mates stand there doing nothing or they will do nothing with it but your right about some retards by 25k on 6khp tank seen it twice in a row

No doubt, playing with retards makes me sad; I guess there is no real resort but to be selfish because you can't trust your allies. I guess I'll start being selfish in league games too.

You know, I still remember a time when almost all games I played were inhouse, or semi-private. This was good for recruiting, and players were respectful or they were not invited back. I would personally balance games I hosted as I knew the all the players, or we would do team pick.

There was no lack of players either; and there were more tank clans on US EAST. People would be lined up in the clan channels waiting to play. Since league beta started it seems most players gaming experience has changed because they rate tanks based on how people behave in league.

Frankly the I think the standards are too low in league. The reason? BOTS are hosting so players think they are unaccountable for their behavior.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.

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