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HCL doesn't work
HCL command doesn't work.
What about a character for each menu level? I dont know exactly how HCL works but 1 character per player right so up to 10? I think you can switch modes on/off with enuf characters. like C5NNH = Custom 5k normal (not tinker only) normal (armor requirements) high bounty; I know this is retarded since its already equivalent to 5h. But if someone wanted 10k Normal High Bounty etc.. I think it can be done.

It says HB is taken out but it hasn't. Clicking on the option still gives high bounty.
joyousdan Wrote:HCL command doesn't work.
Which one? I tested all available before 8.66 has been released and all worked. Available HCL commands are: no, nt, ru, nc, nh, pr

joyousdan Wrote:What about a character for each menu level? I dont know exactly how HCL works but 1 character per player right so up to 10? I think you can switch modes on/off with enuf characters. like C5NNH = Custom 5k normal (not tinker only) normal (armor requirements) high bounty; I know this is retarded since its already equivalent to 5h. But if someone wanted 10k Normal High Bounty etc.. I think it can be done.
Maybe there will be more HCL commands in future. But you only have 10 characters if there are 10 players in game. So short HCL commands are preferred. And another problem in your example: you can't use one char ("N") for 2 options (normal and no tinker).

joyousdan Wrote:It says HB is taken out but it hasn't. Clicking on the option still gives high bounty.
HB hasn't been taken out in 8.66. Only the 5h HCL command has been removed in 8.66 in preparation to remove HB in 8.67.
Changelog Wrote:Restricted hb mode to this version and removed the '5h' hcl command string for bots
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