Poll: i like HB because... (multiple answers possible)
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.. games are faster (are they?)
14 18.92%
.. i can buy better weapons earlier (eveybody can, so where is the benefit?)
11 14.86%
.. there is more gold in the game (isnt it better to have normal with EVERYTHING doubled then?)
9 12.16%
.. other reason (pls post it)
11 14.86%
.. i DONT like it!
29 39.19%
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Why do you play High Bounty?
Hey Community,

indeed, i really dont like HB, but obviously its played very often in b.net.. so my question is very simple: why?

Why do you like BT more then normal mode? HB is not balanced, HB-Games arent fast then normal games, i dont really know a reason for HB?!
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psycho_dmr Wrote:Hey Community,

indeed, i really dont like HB, but obviously its played very often in b.net.. so my question is very simple: why?

Why do you like BT more then normal mode? HB is not balanced, HB-Games arent fast then normal games, i dont really know a reason for HB?!

WTF is HB? Never heard about it.........


Well, thats a good question. I probably think they like to have good weps fast. Hate it :evil:
i can't say i hate the mode, but i don't like it either... so:
[ X ] .. i DONT like it!

btw, there was a good (small) overview of the hb...

IlPalazzo Wrote:(...)
Here are a few things you need to consider when you play HB:
1. You get money at twice the rate from killing, therefore creeping is essential.
If you don't have enough DPS on your tank and/or enough AoE abilities to farm you'll fall behind in gold farming. NEVER go out without a weapon or you'll never keep up with your enemies, even if you're ahead in tank kills... A multibow is a good idea if you're buying a more expensive tank. You should aim for about 200-300 DPS with your weapons/abilities at the start of the game.

2. You get XP at twice the rate from killing, therefore a better tank becomes more useful earlier in the game especially as players hit level +10.
If you're going to get a Tinker, Helicopter, Light Tank, Demolishers or Scout you'll benefit if you save up for a higher tier tank after you've bought about 200-400 DPS in weapons and possibly a hull of some sort. Anti-Grav, Medievacs, Goblin Shredders, and Thunder Tank's abilities are good enough to pull over until the late-mid game.

3. Creeps upgrade at the same rate as normal, therefore buying a troop command, factory, and tower is essentially useless in HB.
Weapons and tank abilities are better than troops, because team weapon/armor upgrades don't scale with high bounty - so don't even bother... Only use a barricade if you need a block of HP to save yourself.

4. If your teammate sucks, you better hope the other side sucks more...
Tip #1-3 won't mean anything when said teammate hands over 9,000 gold to the other team in less than 10 minutes. If that happens, make sure you "BAWWW!" and "BAWWW!" some more until the other team kicks your teammate who went Tinker/Ice Cannon, Scout/Machine Gun, Antigrav/Explosives, Light Tank/4 XP Updates. If you're "that guy" ... Just leave.
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Well, i guess most people using this forum are against hb which doesn't seem to be the popular opinion in general.
~Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much~

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It's a mode that most just play for fun, cause most normal games people get very competitive and hate to lose, also i think people like having 5 frosts.
But what does it matter if people like it, no one is stoping anyone from playing normal if you wanna play normal well play it there is no nazi Hb hit man that will take you out if you do.

Something i find funny, Bennie.fm is big time anti-hb but his clan that he is chief of has a bot that does noting but host 5k hb i think its on #8000 by now, that tells me people like to play it.
Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh, Death,
Well I am Death, none can excel,
I'll open the door to heaven or hell.

Oh, Death, оh Death,
my name is Death and the end ïs here...
Tom-Ace Wrote:It's a mode that most just play for fun, cause most normal games people get very competitive and hate to lose, also i think people like having 5 frosts.
But what does it matter if people like it, no one is stoping anyone from playing normal if you wanna play normal well play it there is no nazi Hb hit man that will take you out if you do.

Something i find funny, Bennie.fm is big time anti-hb but his clan that he is chief of has a bot that does noting but host 5k hb i think its on #8000 by now, that tells me people like to play it.

The problem is that most pub gamers have only played normal once or twice. They started with Hb and when they first play normal they only see a slower, more boring mode. They can't comprehend the intricate imbalances the mode has and are too ignorant to play normal, when it is actually funner than HB is.

In Azeroth, HB games have become the standard. They too have gotten very competitive and people hate losing them, because they see it as a serious mode, not a joke mode that it was intended to be.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.
If you want a fast game regardless of modes, try hb + weak creeps. My shortest games I hosted got shortest by this combination with some other combinations this seems to be the fastest, cuz you kill creeps more easily and more easy to tear down structures. You can also play weak creeps without hb as well.

Otherwise I play normal cuz I like long games with normal development.
Quote:The problem is that most pub gamers have only played normal once or twice. They started with Hb and when they first play normal they only see a slower, more boring mode. They can't comprehend the intricate imbalances the mode has and are too ignorant to play normal, when it is actually funner than HB is.

Don’t assume that normal is “funner” it is to your personnel opinion that it is more fun, I would never tell anyone that game mode X is better than game mode Y. Think about it most people think dota is the best custom map on wc3 I don’t think so but I am not going to tell them it’s not, they like it so let them play it.

Your also assuming that most people start off with hb thats not true from what i have seen, i have played and hosted many games that are normal mode and ill get 5-8 people to join and beg for hb. So if you don't like people playing hb here is the one thing you can do about it, play and host only normal.

And remember assuming only makes an ass out of you. :lol:
Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,
No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh, Death,
Well I am Death, none can excel,
I'll open the door to heaven or hell.

Oh, Death, оh Death,
my name is Death and the end ïs here...
Lezowski Wrote:In Azeroth, HB games have become the standard. They too have gotten very competitive and people hate losing them, because they see it as a serious mode, not a joke mode that it was intended to be.

ya and this is a problem. HB was intended to be a FUN mode, if ppl playing it in competitive games (or leagues/tournaments) that isnt fair/funny, because there are tactics which you win in nearly every game (=imba)

IMHO - if HB replaces the normal mode, it has to be removed from the map, because then 2 years of development are - in germany we say "fürn arsch" (="for the ass", no idea what's the correct english phrase)
No Support via PM!!
Gentlemen [and Ladies] high bounty is exciting. People love shopping, so it is not a wonder why it became so popular.

I like all kinds of variations. Idea One of my favorites is Tank Monopoly. This forces the team to think about their end game, because in HB mode it is quite easy to end with an all out Titan war.

It is sad so many people refuse to play Normal bounty, as it is also fun for a variety of reasons. In a competitive game teamwork is key in either mode.

Removing High Bounty is bad idea because players will simply use the older map to preserve the feature they love so much.

- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST  *Retired*

Just playing for the fun of it now.
psycho_dmr Wrote:Hey Community,

indeed, i really dont like HB, but obviously its played very often in b.net.. so my question is very simple: why?

Why do you like BT more then normal mode? HB is not balanced, HB-Games arent fast then normal games, i dont really know a reason for HB?!

HB games are generally faster than normal games, in the same way that they are faster with games with weak creeps. Not always - but on the whole they are. Most players don't have the time (or feel like investing time) to spend more than an hour or two on a game, which makes them choose high bounty over normal mode. Personally, I play both, but with consideration to other players, I play high bounty when I only have an hour to play so I don't end up leaving mid-way through a game.

... So why don't people choose weak creeps instead? Mainly because the development of the game also progresses more quickly in high bounty than weak creeps. That is, the beginning tiers and ending tiers are usually reached by the end of the game. In contrast, with weak creeps a "quick game" will usually end with a the winning team reaching the 2nd tier and just barely transitioning into the 3rd. High bounty game progress further, where most players reach the 3rd/4th tier... Despite the imbalances, it gives the feeling that the player played a "full game" of Battle Tanks from beginning to end when they play high bounty rather than just a "quick game."

psycho_dmr Wrote:
Lezowski Wrote:In Azeroth, HB games have become the standard. They too have gotten very competitive and people hate losing them, because they see it as a serious mode, not a joke mode that it was intended to be.

ya and this is a problem. HB was intended to be a FUN mode, if ppl playing it in competitive games (or leagues/tournaments) that isnt fair/funny, because there are tactics which you win in nearly every game (=imba)

IMHO - if HB replaces the normal mode, it has to be removed from the map, because then 2 years of development are - in germany we say "fürn arsch" (="for the ass", no idea what's the correct english phrase)

Players do play HB as a FUN mode, which is why it's played as the majority mode - it's quick fun game... At this time, there really isn't any competitive league. The league system would have to be revamped and fixed if any of that were to happen nowadays.

But... You would rather cut down the popularity of Battle Tanks in order to remove a mode that you don't like - rather than balance it? Come on man, that's a little stubborn don't you think? ... I understand most people here are used to the old school Battle Tanks that took +45 minutes to over 2 hours to complete the game, but most players don't want to invest into that time to play a full game of Battle Tanks. It's something you gotta accept until a stronger competitive player base forms for the game.
Starcraft II
nah why do you use me as an example i just don't want my clan members and influencing the community to be playing a mode that's bullshit and unbalanced and people taking it competitively is worse besides i hate the idea of people thinking hb is faster (THE BIGGEST BULLSHIT ABOUT THIS MODE IS THAT ITS GOOD TO LOOSE CPS AND JUST DEFEND AND THEN COME BACK STRONGER POINT OF CPS IS TO GAIN ADVATNAGE NOT LOOSE IT DEFINES BT thats why its stupid ^^
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
BENNIE.FM Wrote:i hate the idea of people thinking hb is faster

Yeah, both modes will have their stalemates and ridiculous game.
However, from my experience playing both modes, it generally is, and most players that have played this game notice this as well.


So why not fix these imbalances?

But... If people are purposely giving up their CPs, then start trading... Map control is always an advantage, provided that you use it as such.
Of course, some people around here would have these things like mines, trader, and exploder out the door in a heartbeat...
Starcraft II
Quote:So why not fix these imbalances?
Because it is hb.
Balancing is not done for hb
Into Alien Crossfire? It has been almost 10 years. Time to update your datalinks.
Try out my Comprehensive Datalinks Update. Now v1.3!
"people playing hb are noobs, and i don't like noobs"

Hahahahahahahaha ^_^

Really, if hb is faster it is because noob-leaver/non feeded players leave earlier...
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
GooglyBoogly Wrote:
Quote:So why not fix these imbalances?
Because it is hb.
Balancing is not done for hb

Meh, that's the game's loss really... To leave a popular mode imbalanced as such.

Althend Wrote:Really, if hb is faster it is because noob-leaver/non feeded players leave earlier...

No, even without that it's generally 10-15 minutes shorter... Like I said, in the same way that weak creeps is quicker. The players progress through the game at faster pace than the force creeps, making it easier to destroy towers and base buildings than in normal. Riding creep waves and using towers become less relevant after 30 minutes or so.
Starcraft II
GooglyBoogly Wrote:
Quote:So why not fix these imbalances?
Because it is hb.
Balancing is not done for hb

thats not all, balancing is not just "not done for HB", it is impossible for HB. see, exo and bob have developed BT over more then 4 years(!), changing some minor things on creeps, tanks, weapons, gold and so on, then somebody has the so damn stupid idea to add a funmode with double income. so all balancing development over the last years dont work in this mode.

if we want to balance hb we have one simple possibility: double EVERY gold and manaamount in the WHOLE game, THEN, and only then, we have a balanced "high bounty" mode (same for weak creeps, there we have to cut down EVERY amount by X). BT is balanced in really small steps in the last years, if we want to balance hb we will have the above szenario, a normal mode where every amount is doubled.

atm like bennie said, the whole team just waits into the own base until the other team is right before it, then "farm" maybe 30mins and then rush over the enemies base... that really sucks.

so if we not remove HB mode and HB is to make games faster, then imho we have to add -cv mode to it, then games are definitely faster, because i think 15 min after all cps are captured the game is over. (and you cant camp in your own base then), THEN you have fast games for sure and the imbalances of HB arent such a big problem (ok then you still can buy troopcommand and get imba through creepfarming on sidelane, but hey, its only a funmode Oo)
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GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote:Removing High Bounty is bad idea because players will simply use the older map to preserve the feature they love so much.
just add some tanks after removing hb. or something else
one day they will see all the new stuff and they dont like to play hb anymore
Anti-HighBounty Alliance has wonBig Grin
[Image: btanksia6.jpg]
SCorpA1 Wrote:
GEN_Schwarzkopf Wrote:Removing High Bounty is bad idea because players will simply use the older map to preserve the feature they love so much.
just add some tanks after removing hb. or something else
one day they will see all the new stuff and they dont like to play hb anymore

I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !
Im not sure if your correct ok at first maybe it may happen abit but once a new better version comes out then it will just not be played i think maybe it will take a month and old hb versions will stop being played .Besides most btanks games are hosted from btanks clans bots and obviously they will always be hosting new versions maybe not anna bot cause its hooked on hb:P
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM

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