Battle Tanks Clans
This thread will be periodically updated by me or admins when changes occur. Here is the current overview of battle tanks clans on every realm.
Europe (Northrend):
Clan BuG [Böse und Gemein]
Clan Size: Medium
Clan BTNK [Battle Tanks Noob Killer]
Clan Size: Large
Clan Sake [Sake]
Clan Size: Medium
Clan BTFG [Battle Tanks Fun Gamers]
Clan Size: DEAD
Clan NGIX [Next-Gen-Int-X]
Clan Size: Medium
US East (Azeroth):
Clan BTOW [Battle Tanks Of War]
Clan Size: Huge
Clan Toaf [Tanks of the Azure Flame]
Clan Size: Medium
Clan KCTZ [knightsofchaostankz]
Clan Size: Large
Clan BTL [Battle tanks Legends]
Clan Size: Small
US West (Lordaeron):
Clan TANK [Tank] (BT clan?)
Clan Size: Medium
Asia (Kalimdoor):
Clan BT [BTanks]
Clan Size: Medium
If you have clans which I don't know of, let me know. I'm barely active and checked the clans I had in my memory and seems like a lot of clans has died off since a couple of years ago. I did a minor research, but I don't have data on bt clans on 2 gateways so I will relay on reports from these.
Last update: 15 June 2011
This thread will be periodically updated by me or admins when changes occur. Here is the current overview of battle tanks clans on every realm.
Europe (Northrend):
Clan BuG [Böse und Gemein]
Clan Size: Medium
Clan BTNK [Battle Tanks Noob Killer]
Clan Size: Large
Clan Sake [Sake]
Clan Size: Medium
Clan BTFG [Battle Tanks Fun Gamers]
Clan Size: DEAD
Clan NGIX [Next-Gen-Int-X]
Clan Size: Medium
US East (Azeroth):
Clan BTOW [Battle Tanks Of War]
Clan Size: Huge
Clan Toaf [Tanks of the Azure Flame]
Clan Size: Medium
Clan KCTZ [knightsofchaostankz]
Clan Size: Large
Clan BTL [Battle tanks Legends]
Clan Size: Small
US West (Lordaeron):
Clan TANK [Tank] (BT clan?)
Clan Size: Medium
Asia (Kalimdoor):
Clan BT [BTanks]
Clan Size: Medium
If you have clans which I don't know of, let me know. I'm barely active and checked the clans I had in my memory and seems like a lot of clans has died off since a couple of years ago. I did a minor research, but I don't have data on bt clans on 2 gateways so I will relay on reports from these.
Last update: 15 June 2011