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(2011-07-16, 02:02:12)Prog Wrote: You should reevaluate the situation once we got rid of the tech mech imbalance.

You're removing techmech imbalance? I had no idea. Do you think you could explain the details or are they classified?

(2011-07-16, 02:02:12)Prog Wrote: Without tech mech you'd have to retreat a couple of times making creeping a bit more difficult.

Tech Mech helped my early farming tremendously but by level 7 hull drop+defensive mechanisms+healers would have been more than sufficient for me to remain farming in front of red's cp indefinitely

(2011-07-16, 02:02:12)Prog Wrote: In general I think one should get rewarded when playing better than the direct opponent. One should be allowed to attack a tower or cp, but without the glow it is nearly impossible against a good team. That created situations in the past in which no cp was attacked before getting a teleporter, making the early and midgame very boring.

I think the award of excess farm against the enemy who is losing creeps/exp to the tower is a good system as it is. When I did eventually start attacking the tower red got techmech support from his team so it would have been very hard for me to take down the tower and threaten his cp as scout alone.

As for the early/middle-game stalemate, I think you are overestimating the effect that the cp glow has on the game. I mentioned before that most coordinated attacks on cps occur only after looking at the minimap and finding the locations of the enemy players, and it's just assumed the enemies would tp if they were close enough to be able to do so, and the glow was just a side effect of them doing it. I would assume the past situations you talked about were with good players in which both teams had a very good sense of the minimap thus making it easy to predict any potentional cp attacks before teleporter. This would naturally result in both teams playing very defensively as to not lose any of their own cps. However, with the presense of teleport beacons the effect that teleporter used to create is now no longer exclusive to the item itself and easier to use in the early/midgame.


Re-reading the thread I noticed that I glossed over one of Exodus's points earlier in the thread. It was about how The Cp Glow would be impossible to see enless you are looking directly over the cp thus making cptp ganking still possible.

Judging from the game I played and where I kept my main screen I will safely say I hardly ever looked at red's cp to see the glow . A gank from that cp would have easily caught me off gaurd (though at the time I was considering the respective skill levels of red's allies and judged that I was very unlikely to be ganked). The Question is now though would it have killed me and my mech or not? Because of the lane I was still always wary of potentional threats from red's direction so I would have seen the tank coming for sure even if I didn't see the tp. So the deciding factor would have probalbly been whether or not red or the ganker stunned me before I was out of range. That kind of cp gank is very unfavorable for the ganker though due to the fact that unlike in the "unsafe" lanes he appears from the exact same direction as the normal laner does.

With the teleporter remark I did not refer to offensive use of teleporter, but rather using it as the only possible way to retreat when getting cptp ganked. Also beacons are no solution if you cannot destroy the tower because you are in danger to die when you move close to it as the opponents are permanently at or very close to their cps. A good sense of the minimap won't help you attacking if there is always 1 player ready to port. You just cannot attack at all then.

(2011-07-16, 04:30:31)UnifiedDoom Wrote: You're removing techmech imbalance? I had no idea. Do you think you could explain the details or are they classified?

Better ask exodus or just wait for the next beta. I don't know if the plan we discussed a bit is already final.

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