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battlenet vs europabattlenet
Lets move to europabattlenet
There is one strong reason to do this...
At EuropaBattleNet players without registered product can come... it could be better what do you think? battlenet vs europabattlenet
(2011-09-13, 03:49:32)WarGuruMM Wrote: Lets move to europabattlenet
There is one strong reason to do this...
At EuropaBattleNet players without registered product can come... it could be better what do you think? battlenet vs europabattlenet

I didn't need to register my game either.

Also, while I'm not in for paying for every shitty game out there, wc3 + tft is definitely worth the 20 bucks (or even less) it costs now - I even bought it three times up to now.

And you can always start your own bot there if you wish so, or host your own game there.

Getting used to the Sand everywhere. At least it brings us map updates.
If you mean there is really no reason to move there . This server is getting worse day by day because of people coming here to play league . This is a joke server where 90% of people are playing dota and many first time dl players leaving btanks in every game.
many good or very good players comes from this server though. Like you, plyvak, daminator3, alexandro1 etc. etc.
No point, there is no btanks game on this server.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !

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