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ban approval discussion
some ppl really complaining about unban requests?? be happy admins not simply ignoring you
(2012-02-08, 20:04:12)Almohead Wrote: AHAHAH esvau u are epic dude im not archer-war fact i was angry that some admins isnt unbanning 6 requests for few days although 7 days of all requests has passed
Anyway according to your sick rules calling green crap or cancer isnt vaild reason to be banned wtf ?

I wonder how do you think i mistake you for "archer-war", i've even quoted some logfile which obviously show that you and "archer-war" are not the same.

(2012-02-08, 19:33:19)eSVau Wrote:
Quote:[52:26] [archer-war]: btw
[52:32] [archer-war]: they didnt unban le_campeur
[52:36] [el_pOlaCcO.]: admins off
[52:37] [archer-war]: dunno hwy
[52:44] [archer-war]: nah they deleted post
[52:56] [el_pOlaCcO.]: fuck em
@el_polacco: u really should watch out...

Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2012-02-08, 20:50:38)Almohead Wrote: One more thing that guy was requested for ban and he still didnt get it altough calling someone is a cancer is okay according to rules right?

Yes, that's not nice, but he got flamed before and insulted in other games (by the same people) which isn't nice either - even telling people all day long to go back to qualify isn't nice.

And yes, rateng isn't the best player, but that's no ban reason.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2012-02-08, 20:56:53)eSVau Wrote: Yes, that's not nice, but he got flamed before and insulted in other games (by the same people) which isn't nice either - even telling people all day long to go back to qualify isn't nice.

And yes, rateng isn't the best player, but that's no ban reason.

Then what it meant -.- ?

(2012-02-08, 19:33:19)eSVau Wrote: same as always and you already got other banned accounts...

I think i'll remove the ban in some days.

But my point is we absolutely don't want to punish you. We want you to behave in an acceptable way. If you can't behave it's your fault! And i don't accept having players flaming on my bots all time long...

Just think before you write and keep cool - it's just a game. Players should have fun playing instead of arguing and flaming.
(2012-02-08, 21:58:42)Velocity2k Wrote: I think i'll remove the ban in some days.

But my point is we absolutely don't want to punish you. We want you to behave in an acceptable way. If you can't behave it's your fault! And i don't accept having players flaming on my bots all time long...

Just think before you write and keep cool - it's just a game. Players should have fun playing instead of arguing and flaming.

yes i know i have done wrong thing but i accept to be punished im not asking of unban or sth that wasnt my aim main problem is that some people are treated worse opposite to others and also banning without ban requests isnt ok at all
To eSVau:

I got shocked by your response at my ban request - you have not banned rateng2, though you've banned 3 other players (including me). This is because of flaming and insult that I (since now I will speak for myself only, not for 2 other banned guys) have done towards rateng2. Yes, I flamed him and insulted him. But only as a response to some of his actions. Becoz if there were no actions done by rateng2, which motivated me to insult and flame, then either I wouldn't flame and insult him, or I would insult every other player in the game (as far as I would be a person who doesn't need reason to flame and insult).

So, the actions, which caused me to flame and insult, have taken place. But you, eSVau, didn't see them and did not consider them while deciding who to ban and who to not-ban. At the same time you have seen my reaction to these actions and you did consider them while deciding who to ban and who to not-ban. Well, nothing strange in that, since you do not watch replays, but only watch replay logs.

It's like if in life a thief stealing something from a woman and running away didn't say a word, but a woman which got stolen started screaming bad words. And after an incident police places woman into jale and thief doesn't get any punishment - because "he didn't say anything but that woman said bad words about him". It's just to understand clearlier what is not-punishing actions, but punishing flaming and insulting, which were caused by these actions.

So, please, either watch replays and see and consider all the actions done by that player (rateng2), and make your decisions, or don't ban anyone, as far as you have knowledge only about one part of game process (chat), not about the second part (the game itself).

And if you do bans considering only logs, then it's just wrong, because, again, you have punishments for one type of thing (insulting and flaming in chat = bad actions), but you don't have punishments for other type of thing (doing bad actions in game). And in this situation one can use this unfullness in rules to do unpunished thing, getting response from other players - and those players get punished for their response. It's exactly what happened. That player (rateng2) seized any bad actions in chat, but did bad actions in game.

I suppose it's impossible to watch all the replays. So, if you don't watch my replays, then don't ban anyone.

P.S.: Don't you think that it's strange, that 1 player got flamed by a few others? Maybe there is a reason?

P.S.S.: I don't know for sure who Almohead is, but thanks him for "covering" me.

P.S.S.S.: Velocity2k wrote this:
"I think i'll remove the ban in some days.

But my point is we absolutely don't want to punish you. We want you to behave in an acceptable way. If you can't behave it's your fault! And i don't accept having players flaming on my bots all time long...

Just think before you write and keep cool - it's just a game. Players should have fun playing instead of arguing and flaming."

- "We want you to behave in an acceptable way. If you can't behave it's your fault! And i don't accept having players flaming on my bots all time long..." All right here. Except, you then also should not accept having players doing bad things in game. Either accept both or don't accept neither of them./
- "Players should have fun playing instead of arguing and flaming". All right here. But we can't have fun because of stealing of kills, we can't have fun when someone goes for farm/kill when CP is under grave threat, etc. so in order to stop these things we do flame/insult. Otherwise, just tell me - you see a guy going from CP to kill, you ping, you write to come back, he still goes for kill, then CP gets captured. What next? Sit silently? Then how will he stop doing this? Flame/insult is a way of regulation. Even in society (well BT-community is a society) flame/insult was always used to regulate its members' actions.

Flame/insult are not used without reason, they are used to regulate something (exceptions are calling new-to-BT-person a "noob" and so on).

P.S.S.S.S.: I was paying attention to only this side of a story. I didn't remind you about the times rateng2 did insults (tome or to other players) himself. And in ban request I didn't write flame/insults as reason either.

If you don't want people to regulate other's behaviour by flaming/insulting, then give them other ways to do it (regulate). Atm there are no such ways (kick system is mostly useless for these purposes.

Btw, it's just a game? Yes, it's a game, but why "just"? It's our hobby. And hobbies are not "just" for people, they do raise emotions. If they wouldn't raise emotions, why to spend time on them. And it is a compliment towards BT, by the way. Another compliment is the length of this post.

I just wanted to say that some rules are not staright.
Reteng wasn't banned becouse he was flamed first.

I got banned on progg. when i was flamed/blamed/insulted first. Even tho most of things i was saying was "just stop talkin fuckin noob". I had whole screen full of shit and i wanted the guy to stfu. But i think some players have to get use to be not liked by some people.
hey hey hey Smile
we try to be fair when we decide to ban someone.......
if we decide to ban the person who wrote the ban request we got our reasons for that decision
i try to take care of the gameplay of every single player in a game.....
but sometimes "special" persons got an "approved", not because of that single game, they got an approved because of some games before Cool
We hate players who just farm/ flame/ insult/ command.......
Sometimes its very annoying if someone just tell his mates what to do next, that is very annoying! Don't be surprise,if your mates flame you, because you cant stop giving orders to them!
We want to play btanks and we hate to read the chat all game long ! Dodgy

Some people should know who is demanded now Undecided

But where should i report the ban for this dude? Because if i post it under the ban approval it will just be considered spam wouldn't it?
(2012-02-08, 23:25:11)progg Wrote: I got banned on progg. when i was flamed/blamed/insulted first. Even tho most of things i was saying was "just stop talkin fuckin noob". I had whole screen full of shit and i wanted the guy to stfu. But i think some players have to get use to be not liked by some people.

true story usually people are playing just to annoy each other but about rules i would say it doesnt involve a few more rude kinds of behaviour .In my case btl staff usually claim im flaming every game but they dont look at provocating person and how they are trying to influent other mates . Btw rateng was insulted by trying use votekick. In every game his mates are getting mad cause of not trying to cover his mid mates or wasting ulti on creeps nvm well it wasnt nice from green but sooner rateng said ,,crap team noobs'' and called green a cancer . i just observed this team chat but didnt want defend any side. His behaviour in most games is difficult to explain guess maybe he cant change himself... Below there's link of game in which he didnt care about mates like in any other too I think i never met such excessive flames against each other like in this ranked game. rateng caused all that flaming on green and he didnt get ban
(2012-02-09, 02:19:38)Tez.Sick Wrote: hey hey hey Smile
we try to be fair when we decide to ban someone.......
if we decide to ban the person who wrote the ban request we got our reasons for that decision
i try to take care of the gameplay of every single player in a game.....
but sometimes "special" persons got an "approved", not because of that single game, they got an approved because of some games before Cool
We hate players who just farm/ flame/ insult/ command.......
Sometimes its very annoying if someone just tell his mates what to do next, that is very annoying! Don't be surprise,if your mates flame you, because you cant stop giving orders to them!
We want to play btanks and we hate to read the chat all game long ! Dodgy

Some people should know who is demanded now Undecided

I don't see why this post was written at all. No sign of who is it directed to or anything. I'll comment it, considering that Tez.Sick read my post in same thread.

"we try to be fair when we decide to ban someone......."
- sometimes (like in case of me, dirtyterror and le_castor vs rateng2) you don't succeed.

"if we decide to ban the person who wrote the ban request we got our reasons for that decision
i try to take care of the gameplay of every single player in a game.....
but sometimes "special" persons got an "approved", not because of that single game, they got an approved because of some games before Cool"
- are you serious? How do you try to take care of the gameplay of EVERY SINGLE player? By the way, if you did, you would approve ban request of rateng2, and would consider our flaming/insults reasonable.

"We hate players who just farm/ flame/ insult/ command.......
Sometimes its very annoying if someone just tell his mates what to do next, that is very annoying! Don't be surprise,if your mates flame you, because you cant stop giving orders to them!"
- I don't just farm, I don't just insult (only with a reason), I don't just command (I command when it is necessary). Sometimes it is very annoying? Well, then let a player, who goes for a kill in time of hard CP defence be annoyed. Like his feeling of annoyment is something sacred. If someone does bullshit in terms of teamgame, and others tell him what to do, well let him be annoyed - those who command him, they are annoyed too, you know. If we start care about the feelings of "annoyed" farmers-only and tinkers till minute 50, then Battle Tanks is unplayable. All good job of the rest of team doesn't matter.

"Sometimes its very annoying if someone just tell his mates what to do next, that is very annoying!"
- Sometimes its very annoying of someone just go farms instead of CP defence, that is very annoying. But we, as it seems from your post, not supposed to tell him what to do in order to not raise a feel of annoyment in him. How about our feel of annoyment?

"We want to play btanks and we hate to read the chat all game long ! Dodgy"
- And again. If you read logs only, then you can't make judgement about players behaviour. You punish only chat bad behaviour, but at the same moment you don't punish in-game extra-ultra-bad behaviour. Because you don't see it.

Once again, either watch all the games concerning certain players (if it's not done, you can not judge again, because often roots of behaviour of certain players are in past games (and probably very long time ago)), or don't ban anyone. I don't think, that you are gonna watch all the replays concerning certain players, well, then don't ban anyone. At least unban me, dirtyterror and le_castor (not after a week, but asap) - because you banned us for our reactions (in chat) to rateng2's actions (in game), which left unpunished. And please, don't push these formalities like "writing a new thread with an unban request from a forum guy with a nickname similar or "close" to..." and so on - because the bans (and not-ban) were not appropriate.

By the way, games are destroyed not by flamers and insulters (unless they do it without a reason or towards a novice player) - they are destroyed by those who are not-noobs, but pose their actions for their own (not teams') sake. Sometimes they even directly sabotaging.

For example, in my ban request i wrote:
"Game 27732:

Player: rateng2 (1)
Reason: sabotaging the game. At least, sabotaged my (in the beginning I have sold Basic Magic to get hull and said "team plz don't buy it". Few seconds later he bought it and didn't sell back after I told him to. (Bu the way, after he got it he became a heli with 5 Basics and hull, so later had to sell Basic back to get new item. One more prove it was to hurt me). It all has to do with previous games, where I performed better then him. He sabotaged my game)."

And eSVau wrote that it is an invalid request. What, sabotage is invalid? And flaming in response to sabotage is valid (by the way I didn't flame in that case I only said that I'm gonna ban request him)?
You may say that "buying a weapon from junkyjard is not a sabotage and it's fully allowed". Not in this case. He got jealous to my greater than his playing in past games, which he considered to be my inventory's merit. So he bought all the same things this game to prove that. I wrote to him that he failed, because my creep kills with the same items were 50 more. And soon when I sold a Basic and told team to please not buy it, he bought it. It is not sabotage?

eSVau, you will definetely see this and my previous post, so reply. And do the unbans, please.

By the way, if you still consider buying from junkyard after I asked to not buy something allowed, then ask yourself this. How many anti-team actions are formally permitted then? Going mid and buying bows only till full slot for tinker and staying like that till minute 40? Watching a mate airship duelling other teams' airship and sending a heavy tank rocket at last moment to get the kill? Pushing the lane till enemy's base when CP is being attacked? And after all these actions permitted, you want to ban for insults and flame, which are spawned by those actions? Maybe reconsider your ban politics?
One more proof that rateng calling as worst shit next player
(2012-02-09, 02:19:38)Tez.Sick Wrote: hey hey hey Smile
we try to be fair when we decide to ban someone.......
if we decide to ban the person who wrote the ban request we got our reasons for that decision
i try to take care of the gameplay of every single player in a game.....
but sometimes "special" persons got an "approved", not because of that single game, they got an approved because of some games before Cool
We hate players who just farm/ flame/ insult/ command.......
Sometimes its very annoying if someone just tell his mates what to do next, that is very annoying! Don't be surprise,if your mates flame you, because you cant stop giving orders to them!
We want to play btanks and we hate to read the chat all game long ! Dodgy

Some people should know who is demanded now Undecided

I understand that my advices (this are not commands) can be annoying. Althought in most of cases they help. And i think most of players understand that at the end.
Otherwhise how u explain i've never been ban requested in my ~1,5k league games history?
RE: Ban Request (continued)

(Today 15:05:26)FoelliX Wrote: game: BTanks League RANKED #27805 ( )

- Exstaza (1) ( )
- dirtyterror (2) ( )

reason: Exstaza -> denial of playing; dirtyterror flaming, insulting, btanksuberprolikebehaviour telling everybody what to do (Having a frost with 4 basics on level 14 after 1 hour). Exstaza (1)
reason: denial of playing
approved dirtyterror (2)

(Today 15:15:39)dirtyterror Wrote: Hello.
I wanted to report player Rateng2:
For his behavior in game:

As far as i remember this player where playing middle scout for like ~25 minutes. Died many times, provided no cover and support. With him and Extasa on middle i could not creep anything. while he had 250 creeps me and Extasa had like 150. I was spending money for baricades to prevent loss of middle cp, was porting every time when there was a need and he flamed me that i dont defend.
I was so hard outfarmed that i could not rly do much. And i had moste of assists in team. Than he tryed to votekick me with way much worse statistics.

I got banned because of him on EU battle net for flaming. There was no further informations besides of this. So i wanted to post my first report ever and i play this game like 4 years or more.

And i wanted you to consider the fact that i didnt flamed back. I wanted to say sorry for my behavior that occures in past games, im just a human and im getting pissed sometimes. But the ones who knows me (from ts and games) know me and they know i can be polite and cincerely.

Game replay Below. Greetings.
I didnt used offensive language vs Pink player. Only asked him why not tank when he have dps. I could not go anythig more cause of non team game of Rateng in the middle. I tryed to hold on my self olthough i was angry. Just watch replay and my word exchange with Rateng on team chat. Every semi intelligent person will see that i didnt wanted to insolt any 1 rly hard. And i heard like Moron many times vo reason. MOSTE ASSISTS IN TEAM. rateng2 (1)
reason: unsocial behavier
Not especially this game,but so many games before,
his gameplay really %*# + sometimes too much flame
Join Clan NGIX


omfg denial of playing i had something to do and i got kick from game so i get ban too?when i see someone afk at start or will be afk even 1 min i do request ok?
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
WAKE UP!!! The reason games never fill is you are so BAN happy. Any society that is over governed FAILS! Look at historty. Such a shame.

(2012-02-09, 19:24:06)LoveComesAgain Wrote: RE: Ban Request (continued)

(Today 15:05:26)FoelliX Wrote: game: BTanks League RANKED #27805 ( )

- Exstaza (1) ( )
- dirtyterror (2) ( )

reason: Exstaza -> denial of playing; dirtyterror flaming, insulting, btanksuberprolikebehaviour telling everybody what to do (Having a frost with 4 basics on level 14 after 1 hour). Exstaza (1)
reason: denial of playing
approved dirtyterror (2)

(Today 15:15:39)dirtyterror Wrote: Hello.
I wanted to report player Rateng2:
For his behavior in game:

As far as i remember this player where playing middle scout for like ~25 minutes. Died many times, provided no cover and support. With him and Extasa on middle i could not creep anything. while he had 250 creeps me and Extasa had like 150. I was spending money for baricades to prevent loss of middle cp, was porting every time when there was a need and he flamed me that i dont defend.
I was so hard outfarmed that i could not rly do much. And i had moste of assists in team. Than he tryed to votekick me with way much worse statistics.

I got banned because of him on EU battle net for flaming. There was no further informations besides of this. So i wanted to post my first report ever and i play this game like 4 years or more.

And i wanted you to consider the fact that i didnt flamed back. I wanted to say sorry for my behavior that occures in past games, im just a human and im getting pissed sometimes. But the ones who knows me (from ts and games) know me and they know i can be polite and cincerely.

Game replay Below. Greetings.
I didnt used offensive language vs Pink player. Only asked him why not tank when he have dps. I could not go anythig more cause of non team game of Rateng in the middle. I tryed to hold on my self olthough i was angry. Just watch replay and my word exchange with Rateng on team chat. Every semi intelligent person will see that i didnt wanted to insolt any 1 rly hard. And i heard like Moron many times vo reason. MOSTE ASSISTS IN TEAM. rateng2 (1)
reason: unsocial behavier
Not especially this game,but so many games before,
his gameplay really %*# + sometimes too much flame
Join Clan NGIX


omfg denial of playing i had something to do and i got kick from game so i get ban too?when i see someone afk at start or will be afk even 1 min i do request ok?

If the jail is overcrowed, it is the police fault?

HULK3D u still mad that i request to ban u? HAHA
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
Tez.sick - usually it's legislation fault. And - can u anwser my last question?
Whether you have agreed sometimes request or not makes no difference to me, actually, fact is that in the last time your behavier was not acceptable.

And why any more so many Btanks do not play...... maybe it is due that less and less Warcraft3 play.Undecided


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