It isn't fair to players who want games over with earlier than later so the gold bonus should be moved from 5 minutes to 1 minute. This way the game can proceed as intended instead of dragging on.
The other alternative is to remove it completely and replace it with a higher bounty. However waiting 5 minutes for that extra gold can cause players to feed uncontrollably so why not just give them 1 minute increments instead?
The idea of 5mins -> 1min gold bonuses doesn't break anything. It makes it more "streamlined" and fair.
For example if a team almost kills 2 enemy heros at 4:20-4:55 as opposed to 5:05-5:35 in the first instance they readily get the gold as when the latter happens they must wait 4 whole minutes to get the reward of killing the enemy heros. Now if you change this to one minute increments, the whole unfairness factor goes away. Also, it isn't fair to a team to lose a CP at 4:55 then have it taken back at 5:05 and then hold it for most of the 4 minutes and lose it again at 9:55 to have the other team recieve full income on it. That is not fair at all because for those minutes before 9:55 the team should benefit from holding the CP!
I realize that armor is updated every 5 minutes, that is not what I am discussing here.
The other alternative is to remove it completely and replace it with a higher bounty. However waiting 5 minutes for that extra gold can cause players to feed uncontrollably so why not just give them 1 minute increments instead?
The idea of 5mins -> 1min gold bonuses doesn't break anything. It makes it more "streamlined" and fair.
For example if a team almost kills 2 enemy heros at 4:20-4:55 as opposed to 5:05-5:35 in the first instance they readily get the gold as when the latter happens they must wait 4 whole minutes to get the reward of killing the enemy heros. Now if you change this to one minute increments, the whole unfairness factor goes away. Also, it isn't fair to a team to lose a CP at 4:55 then have it taken back at 5:05 and then hold it for most of the 4 minutes and lose it again at 9:55 to have the other team recieve full income on it. That is not fair at all because for those minutes before 9:55 the team should benefit from holding the CP!
I realize that armor is updated every 5 minutes, that is not what I am discussing here.