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Ban Request (continued)

reason: name spoof.

Why u keep deleting this post? It's proper.
(2012-03-10, 19:21:43)El_Polacco Wrote: Game :
Player : (drunk_addict)

reason : raging me ( fuck your mom ) and insulting blue trying to votekick us while he was in game until he wasnt kicked he would continue that surely , dying on purpose at the votekick . intended , advised opponents not to wait for 5th player ( he said it few seconds after votekicking was possible) just have faster leavergold for enemy team in 90% cases its certain win for team having leavergold in early game. Drunk_addict (1)
reason: insult

( Drunk_addict = )

he always play same tactic in mid (heli + 2 upraded bonfire...later ice canon, gobo porter .....) Dodgy in this game
and it dosen't work well,because bonfire got no range + no hull =
1.) 100% feed
2.) less creeps
= votekick Huh

In this game Drunk_addict told polacco:
[03:28] [Drunk_addict]: i fuck your mother
[03:58] [Drunk_addict]: go playt vs corpses
[04:03] [Drunk_addict]: nobshiyt
[07:25] [Drunk_addict]: fuck you blue
+ after votekick 4/4 Drunk_addict went on lane to fed polacco's opponent

(2012-03-11, 11:03:24)Drunk_addict Wrote: Game :
Player : (FlYAwaySoHigh (2))
reason : In enemy team 1 player afk and i write "kick him". 4 vs 5 - not a fair play. FlYAwaySoHigh insulting me "idiot" and "fucking saboteur". If this noob want play vs corpse - go to one player mode and play vs creeps.
Player : (nostralias (2))
reason : 07 min 07 sec consagliere go forward atack me. I think blue help me and we 2 kill him. But blue go back, that me have killed. See creeps quantity.
(2012-03-10, 19:21:43)El_Polacco Wrote: Game :
Player : (drunk_addict)

reason : raging me ( fuck your mom ) and insulting blue trying to votekick us while he was in game until he wasnt kicked he would continue that surely , dying on purpose at the votekick . intended , advised opponents not to wait for 5th player ( he said it few seconds after votekicking was possible) just have faster leavergold for enemy team in 90% cases its certain win for team having leavergold in early game.

I'm not going to feed enemy in time votekick. An enemy tank came too close to the tower and i think we 2 kill him. We almost got.
If you are dissatisfied with the system of balancing leaving players - discuss this with the developers. nostralias (2)
..... ridiculous Huh FlYAwaySoHigh (2)
reason: flame, unsocial behavior

( FlYAwaySoHigh = El_Polacco )

really? polacco told nostralias (about Drunk_addict ):
[07:57] [flyawaysohigh]: provoke him i report himTongue

polacco always try to votekick someone if there is a chance to kick Huh
polacco always blame his team for every mistakes Dodgy
polacco always expect help if he can't hold lane,even if he lost his lane >>> its not his fault Sad
polacco always expect early armor upgrades,even his team will spend/waste all their gold for upgrades + if he don't get it he always start to cry Dodgy

His behavior is like heavy team sabotage

Players: mistouffe camcoup

Reason: camcoup, feed + leavegame
Reason: mistouffe, insult

reason: spam pause. save game. spam kick. at end game didn't tp to protect cp. team sabotage.

player: Maksio

reason: sold all and start changing tanks
Don't worry, don't cry, take ecstasy and flyExclamation
(2012-03-11, 21:46:26)Hirntot Wrote: Players: mistouffe camcoup

Reason: camcoup, feed + leavegame
Reason: mistouffe, insult

no replay

(2012-03-12, 01:37:53)progg Wrote:

reason: spam pause. save game. spam kick. at end game didn't tp to protect cp. team sabotage.

player: Warrior_emze (2)
reason: denial of playing, team sabotage, game interruption, flame

(2012-03-12, 02:37:33)LoveComesAgain Wrote: player: Maksio

reason: sold all and start changing tanks

player: Maksio (3)
reason: eco sabotage
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2012-03-11, 17:34:21)progg Wrote:

reason: name spoof.

Why u keep deleting this post? It's proper.

nobody checked this.
(2012-03-12, 14:10:58)progg Wrote:
(2012-03-11, 17:34:21)progg Wrote:

reason: name spoof.

Why u keep deleting this post? It's proper.

nobody checked this.

We dont think that nick satisfies a ban, sorry

Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Game: here
Players: consagliere Steiner

Reason: denial of playing, team sabotage, flaming

They even openly said they stop playing.
Player: Grafbox

reason: ego playing all the time and was always the last at cp defending so he got all the kills...


Left in a very decisive moment of our game after giving a statement that the game wasn't "fun" anymore(no reason at all, left without a warning). Result was: We lost our advantage of 5 CPs and as a conclusion lost game. Isn't that kinda eco sabotage?
Greetings PeVerall
(2012-03-13, 17:38:33)Prog Wrote: Game: here
Players: consagliere Steiner

Reason: denial of playing, team sabotage, flaming

They even openly said they stop playing. consagliere (1)
Reason: denial of playing, team sabotage
approved Steiner (1)
Reason: denial of playing, team sabotage

(2012-03-13, 20:57:49)Grana Wrote: Player: Grafbox

reason: ego playing all the time and was always the last at cp defending so he got all the kills... Grafbox (1)
Are you serious...?

(2012-03-13, 21:12:47)PeVerall Wrote: player:

Left in a very decisive moment of our game after giving a statement that the game wasn't "fun" anymore(no reason at all, left without a warning). Result was: We lost our advantage of 5 CPs and as a conclusion lost game. Isn't that kinda eco sabotage?
Greetings PeVerall iPipo (1)
It was rly sad for your team, but it's his own decision to leave or not.

(2012-03-13, 22:26:35)El_Polacco Wrote: game :
player : (madefok)

reason : denial of playing madefoK (1)
just afk... u could kick him much earlier, but u didnt do that

playing tinker, staying useless at cp (not moving sometimes), selling his stuff, do ups etc. / team sabotage
Game :
Player :
Reason : game sabotage (after lag out he bought 2 facs and mines) and denial of playing (during 20 min : afk 1 min, tp to cp put mine, afk 1 min etc...). He tried to justificate himself saying he did his best (demolisher 2k hp + burst armor + multi bow! min 50 oO), bla bla bla... He ruined this game we could win (we got some chances to).
Thanks !

GameID: 28794
Gamename: BTanks League RANKED #28848
player id wheresthelove



PLAY WITHOUT ANY INTENTION TO HELP TEAM, (switch or anything elese) AND LEAVE CUS 0 - 9 score!!!

Hey guys 2 dudes flaming 2 much i think there should be a permanent ban on both teal and call me noob look from 50 minutes to till end of game so much flame ...calling idiots noobs etc so much can't really believe it to be honest

hope there is a permanent ban cheers
i duno how to hyper link the game

and im asking for a ban on teal and and player 10 thanks
(2012-03-17, 12:58:27)BENNIE.FM Wrote: Hey guys 2 dudes flaming 2 much i think there should be a permanent ban on both teal and call me noob look from 50 minutes to till end of game so much flame ...calling idiots noobs etc so much can't really believe it to be honest

hope there is a permanent ban cheers
i duno how to hyper link the game

and im asking for a ban on teal and and player 10 thanks

teal went afk also on purpose and callmenoob flames so often....and did it many games
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
(2012-03-14, 21:23:00)jack_acc Wrote: game:

playing tinker, staying useless at cp (not moving sometimes), selling his stuff, do ups etc. / team sabotage eJay_Xtreme (1)
reason: eco sabotage
- narrow decision -
he did upgrades before he left the game (without asking the team) = that's like eco sabotageHuh

(2012-03-15, 13:28:19)Max Wrote: Hi,
Game :
Player :
Reason : game sabotage (after lag out he bought 2 facs and mines) and denial of playing (during 20 min : afk 1 min, tp to cp put mine, afk 1 min etc...). He tried to justificate himself saying he did his best (demolisher 2k hp + burst armor + multi bow! min 50 oO), bla bla bla... He ruined this game we could win (we got some chances to).
Thanks ! knnbccb (3)
reason: eco sabotage
to play mines + factories sucks, especially when your team got 1 leaver
+ knnbccb did nothing (no giveup,no help, no tank .....) Dodgy

(2012-03-17, 04:25:35)grizzlyb Wrote:

GameID: 28794
Gamename: BTanks League RANKED #28848
player id wheresthelove



PLAY WITHOUT ANY INTENTION TO HELP TEAM, (switch or anything elese) AND LEAVE CUS 0 - 9 score!!!


- no replay -

(2012-03-17, 12:58:27)BENNIE.FM Wrote: Hey guys 2 dudes flaming 2 much i think there should be a permanent ban on both teal and call me noob look from 50 minutes to till end of game so much flame ...calling idiots noobs etc so much can't really believe it to be honest

hope there is a permanent ban cheers
i duno how to hyper link the game

and im asking for a ban on teal and and player 10 thanks knnbccb (3)
reason: denial of playing, insult, flame
omg this guy ..... HuhDodgy CallMeNooB (1)
reason: flame

CallMeNooB = btank_noob
calling opponents few times "noob" in global chat ...... Huh
but this is how he act so often in ranked games Dodgy

Hi All,
hate to do that but that gang piss me off. Dirtyterror and freinds (wheresthelove etc)
Player: (dirtyterror) (6984 on us east)

dirtyterror and wheresthelove every game says a lot of shit on me.
this game he:
-try to give up in begin cus im in!!!
-in 2hours game he try to give up cus im noob or cus hes mad approx 20 times
-at 1h env he insults " Kurva debile"
-1.09 giveup.....etc
-at 1.10h env he starts flame me hard, more and more cus i dont do wot he want to do, buy or play his tech. (look replay his tech is shit in begin so adv grow up fast)
-i please him to stop flame but he do more even he talk to adv team sayn a lot of lies about me. i warn him that i can ban his behaviour, he say he dont care cus im the noob who sucks and u gonna say he must flame more than that!!! really that guy have a big problem.
-grey do badest game than me but Dirty don't say a word on him (cus they freinds)
-more he post the game on forum so others players look and laugh my noob style of play (have a look to: GrizzlyB ak proggkiller ak yournightmare ak knightmere (?) by dirtyterror)
every day he flame me before in game and after just like whersthelove.
In fact there are sume groups of players who flame hard other ones even if they play better, why cus they just dont like them an dthey think they are the bosses here.
They had a lot of freinds cus same country (in that case they are Croatian and sumtimes they talk in cro so we cant understand wot they say) His budie can do big shit he protect him but flame hard others, look that replay u gonna see like he didnt care grey airship all game wit hwhit score and no hp but he teach me wot to do.
Why he hate me so much? hes wheresthelove friend (who talk shit on me all time) and he wanna show him hes strong and piss on me.
yesterday i have a game wit hhim and he say he s happy let me die sumtimes cus is good for me!!! can u accept that? that is league rules?
Allways starts like that: they are owned one game and after hate u and sabotage ur game evry time when play togheter.
Look my stats in league others game si dont play with them i wonn a lot, when they in i loose... really strange. Is not a miracle is intended sabotage.
U must know that after that game i played another game with him even if he says he gonna leave if im in but he didnt had balls to do it. and our team won
This game he starts flame same with whersthelove before game he aske me to leave cus im not wellcome here and a lot of bull shit and say too all that i was banned 20 times!!! REALLY pathetic. I had 1 ban deserved thats all.
Ty to spend sum time and have a look at that...
Best regards
i never say im better than others but i try do my best, sure i cant play good when a gu y ask me every 5 min wot i do wot i buy why i do that and wot ot do.
i think noone here for that. Thanks
Hi All,
hate to do that but that gang piss me off. Dirtyterror and freinds (wheresthelove etc)
Player: (dirtyterror) (6984 on us east)

have a look at next game with him. After he flame me like hell in chatroom wit his freind look at his tech not big thing almost 1 hour i dont see a pro job on his side... but finally our teamwork pay and we won... Look a litl at 0.47h approx i have a great action with exstaza togheter. dirty says to ext great job bud, me im not here ext was alone... i didnt care i dont need his apreciation but i just wanna he let me play cool here, i ask u to have a look at that just to see at which point he hate me. He say i do shit and he ignore my good actions. This is btanks philosophy?
gj dirty u'r the best. almost 1 hour of negative stats. Mabe u must been mad on u.
have a look at that:

Junior Member

Kalimdor: Posts: 16
Joined: Jul 2010
Reputation: 1

RE: reconsider ban-request on UrNightMARRE
Everygame I play with grizzly, people spend entire games barking orders at him. Not so long ago, one with progg for example, i was playing 4x worse than grizzly, but even so, progg still targets grizzly. I dont know what grudge you people have against him, but seriously, lighten up. No player deserves the constant kick attempts that grizzly gets all game, and eldertroop does the same crap as progg. This isnt gradeschool, stop acting like spiteful children. I would react the same way if i went through the same crap EVERY game I played. I dont think he should be banned for this.

crazy is the only guy who dare to say the thruth, a lot of players see but dont wanna have that gang on them back so they say nothin. I'm only the black sheep who cant stup when they order in game, thats become absurd here, Dirty says in chat room that i dont have bases of bt game and i must pass some exam in bt and more and more and laugh with others guys who prefere laugh on me even if they dont know about they talk but ass much ass they not in fire they laugh and join the gang behaviour. Thats the truth.
Crazy thanks a lot, u great man, u gonna do good things in ur life im sure about that.
Keep it up Man
Best regards and gn8
Grizzly who never flame if hes not flammedCool
Dont talk dirty
Dont do shit
Dont be progg.
U can have fun then!!! Angel
player: munichowns

2nd game in a row he insult ^^ , also flaming and shouting to all other players
went afk in 5th min came back restart flame after he lost his lane.

just read chatlog admin and try to reinstall wc3 from his pc would be best for whole community and himselfSmile

greetz your friendly monkey smartie
Multiacc will get u better Teammates maybe, but u still unskilled as before. !!
True Story

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