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New ban without request, guess by whom ? =)
I guess for games and

In the first, we got an idiot ( ) , who sabotages the game by going mid with a troop command. I'm not happy about it. Warriorsk55 also feeds like hell top, but at the end i'm the one being kickvoted, by another one of tez_sick bitches ( ), that i kindly call fritz and ask him to blow me each time he kickvotes me.

Next game goes bad as well, fritzy kickrequests me from the start.Then, sk55 still feeds like hell on the lane he requested once again, and i'm again with fritzy mid. At the end I end up kicked, and they giveup one minute after. In the game, fritz say he's gonna complain to tez sick ( ouwww Mommmmyyyyyyyyy :'( ). I ask him if banrequest too. He says yes. Guess what the whore did. And i got banned before everyone else again, even there is already many banrequests non checked yet on public thread, even if there is at the end, no banrequest for me ofc...

After thousands of battle tanks games, I'm honnestly very sad about this, because of this unfairness and because i'm powerless to settle that. That's very frustrating. It's been many times i report this problem, and the league administration don't care, or don't want to react. That's so weak, but i understand than being admin is not being a leader, but just a little manager. And cowardice, tolerance for abuse of power is a whole part of the management here. "As long as it's not me..." Great mentality.

I'm just a single player here, and i don't go along very well with the mass, that's a fact. But it should not matter. You cannot call yourselve admins, make a show of enforcing rules, and let the missbehavior of one of your own pass like this without staining your whole action. Or you can, and that's sad again.

I know my babble is ridiculous here, I said all this many times, but that's my only way of answer. When you cannot break a wall avoid it... I like the game but i won't bow to little Tez and his bitches, and i won't shut my mouth either when i'm not happy about something. So do I have to leave league ?

And Tez, because it bothers me, i have a question to you. Do you behave the same way with real people ? I guess not... AngelWink
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
yeaaaaahhhhhh again omg....

u want some changes? ask esvau to be an league admin and if u r worthy he will hire u.....

You've got banned for flame and as i recall not the first time

edit: at least in June, September, October and well November
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
Seems like BTL-staff hired a secret service agent

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First eSvau, i got banned out of a due process. You don't know what it is ? Read books about law or simply about basic society organization.
Second, you are right, it's not the first time i'm banned without a due process.
Third, your "simple" answers shows you obviously don't understand very well what i'm talking about, or that you are too lazzy to answer properly, or worst, than you deliberately comment the finger which points the moon in a conversation about the moon. In any case, better say nothing and let everything pass. It would not be the first time anyway, as I recall.Wink

@El_Polacco : It's fun to see people, from the worst idiot to the top of the league, squirting "i'm gonna tell tez_sick" at any occasion.Big Grin
I dunno if Galadion is serious or not, i guess Trolll is because i smell something very "tez_sick sk55 kind of behavior" into him, but in any case, the situation becomes so common those times that it may now reflect a generality and not an exception.
Like in politics, we got the managers we deserve.Big Grin
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
Complains if there is no action out of a game and also complains if there is action out of a game. Nor is this a trial whether a court hearing or does any law apply. We do have some guidelines with a margin of discretion.

About society organization: well i'm somewhat unforgiving/resentful (german: nachtragend) and i acutally have the feeling that we/i got treated not very nice about some questionable action which where taken therefore i almost draw back myself from most interactions with the community because i'm pissed about different things.
I know, that this behavior of mine is stupid but i never wanted to be in the first line. I'm more a technical guy with the social skills of a technical nerd (sheldon of big bang theory is calling...). I would never apply for customer service that really isn't my strength.

All those things are the reason i just state some facts ("simple" answer) and keep my silence which is even worse since there isn't much active staff left.

Well, i could add that you opening post contains plenty of insults which makes your complains about unfairness somewhat uninteresting to look into it any further.

It's to cloudy to see the moon but there is one, somewhereRolleyes
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
eSvau, obviously the margin of discretion totally took over the simple guidelines. When an admin always pick on a player, at anyone's private request, without even bothering anymore to follow the public ban request thread, there is at the same time action taken by an admin, and no action taken by others. Subjectivity powah.
I prefer a long answer from you than no answer or a single line, because at least we behave and communicate like human beings, and i'm glad that you did finally interact with me even if that's to push me back in cords. Tez sick didn't even bother (aside telling me to fuck off) when all of this started (an argue between jagler and me, and a favour from tez sick to jagler : ban me with discretion).
I know that my babbleing is uninterresting, but i open those posts because something is going wrong before. Otherwise i'd just go play. And as it happens countless time, it makes me somehow very angry, so don't expect me to be honeyed after being systematically banned by the same admin. The point is the other admins let this aggravate, and if everyone with equal or worst behavior than mine ingame would be banned, we would barely be able to start ranked games.
Anyway, Moon existence's been acknowledged. What about doing something about it ? Rolleyes
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
As a general rule of thumb in this world... if you start playing blame games with the powers at be, you will end up being the black sheep for better or worse. Pettiness generally goes around and comes around and if you want to break the cycle it's up to you to show some good will even when...
I agree with you Mynth about reapolitiks, but i just won't abide to it. What is unfair is unfair, what is unacceptable is unacceptable. The fact that it comes from the "power at be" doesn't change anything about it.
We are supposed to be a little community, not a corrupted state...
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
(2013-11-27, 03:49:41)GodStrongArms Wrote: I agree with you Mynth about reapolitiks, but i just won't abide to it. What is unfair is unfair, what is unacceptable is unacceptable. The fact that it comes from the "power at be" doesn't change anything about it.
We are supposed to be a little community, not a corrupted state...

What is fair? How about you start paying for playing on the server to begin with... He who brings equity to the table will receive the same, but he who brings self-righteousness to the table will be put to death by the letter of the law. Even He who was righteous was put to death. So how acceptable do you think you are before the law?

How did you even manage to get banned to begin with?

Hehe, hope you don't mind my 'biblical' philosophizing Wink
@to admins
why dont you just enter another rule to this thread something along the lines "if an admin is present at a game and you break a rule you will be banned without further notice" to prevent this kind of threads.
Because no matter how you present it the admins are wrong in this matter if they dont follow the right procedure which they made in the first place.
(2013-11-27, 10:49:17)EarthR Wrote: @to admins
why dont you just enter another rule to this thread something along the lines "if an admin is present at a game and you break a rule you will be banned without further notice" to prevent this kind of threads.
Because no matter how you present it the admins are wrong in this matter if they dont follow the right procedure which they made in the first place.

Done, thx for the adviceCool
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline

reason : Team doesn't defend CPS so i got banned for that ? Watch a damn game once again wearing glasses ...

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i wrote this on strolch, Alfred, trooool.... not on you and you know it. i could say esvau too cause strolch flammed hard and Insult on this day. everytime you call me carisma or wupti man you suckssss

im watching the ban request Forum dunno who you are but
el_pollaco create always new ban request on all damn, Auto banner Angry
@Mynth : I wouldn't mind your biblical phylosophy if u said "what about we start to pay for the server"... I really don't understand why you target me specifically with that. And above that, having to pay to be treated fairly has nothing really biblical, even if it's certainly very catholic. =)

@Esvau : Thanks for clarifying the rules, but what about :
1) the bans who were made before the "admin in game" rule was established ? Retroactivity is weird, because it implies that written or not, said or unsaid, a rule applies no matter what. So in fact it remains arbitrary.
2) the case when a friend of an admin complains to the admin via mail or PM (most of my bans were "earned" that way, and I have absolutely no proof that i was not banned just by a request without even a replay being watched. Considerated the quickness of the bans i receive, I guess "Ban Nexes pls Tez" or "Ban GodStrongArms pls Tez" is enough as a reason if it comes from a friend or at least someone Tez doesn't dislike.
3) the case of an admin use a smurf account (Tez does that a lot, ain't he ?), thus making it impossible for players to know. If the admin doesn't want to assume his admin mantle, he shouldn't be allowed to use his admins rights and should go trough the banrequest thread like everyone else.
4) The case of an admin and one or more of his buddies present in same game, and the so called buddy start to provoke you by calling you noob for free, agressively, or trying to systematically kick you from the begin of the game to harass you. Then using your reaction to ban you (without a post or a replay ofc, that's so much easy). Both should then be banned, or no one at all (that's what happened yesterday).

Tez behavior, and the behavior of his buddies requesting via mail, PM, or IM someone to be banned at discretion is an absurdity in a league which works on a so called guideline and banrequest public procedure.
Instead of acknowledging that once and for all and correcting the problem once and for all, you write in the guideline that admins can do whatever they want as long as they are in the game. But obviously, even if they are hidden or worst, not in the game, you can still be banned without further notice. So what's the use of the banrequest thread, or of the guideline, the penality system and so on, if there is no fairness about the way it's enforced ? What's the point of burying your head in the ground ? Do I also have to praise you with honeyed words and try to become your cyber friend, Esvau, so you will finally do as a favor what you should do out of justice and common sense ? Because atm you grand more easily a request made out of irony in a 3 lines and which goes ofc in the wrong direction (despotism and arbitrary) than something which goes in the right one (due process for everyone)...

Esvau, you said you're not made for customer service. Fine by me, but what about putting back on track our little king of Prussia who does anything he pleases to do ? Ain't that in your ability sleeve either ?

I think you guys are in deep psychological trouble about the way you use autority.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
All I'm saying that most of the time a little bit of humility goes much further than arguing legal "due process", especially if your own record isn't squeaky-clean.
You judge a record shape accordingly to ethical and disciplinary rules. So if don't abide yourself to the principles which your judgements take their legitimacy from, you shouldn't judge. (This one is for Tez ofc) Huh
What you are doing Mynth is advocating ethics and humility to defend unethical and despotic behavior. Good and wise looking maybe, but a little absurd imho. Especially if added to it, you suggest others to pay for the service without doing it yourself. Angel
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
(2013-11-28, 01:21:04)GodStrongArms Wrote: 3) The case of an admin use a smurf account (Tez does that a lot, ain't he ?), thus making it impossible for players to know. If the admin doesn't want to assume his admin mantle .
4) The case of an admin and one or more of his buddies present in same game, and they so called buddy start to provoke you by calling you noob for free, agressively, or trying to systematically kick you from the begin of the game to harass you. Then using your reaction to ban you (without a post or a replay ofc, that's so much easy).

Generally approving bans via friend circle is deeply dismissive . Already was banned once by leder_hose who has another antifan than me so (presumed he's one of admins having banned more people after inconvenient comments and strange things mentioned above)

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