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good that air ship is been upgraded what how heli
thanks for the upgrade to the air ship ,it is time to upgrade the heli to the standard

my suggestion is to changed its 3rd skill to from 30 ms per lv to 20 or 22 ms per level
and its stun have 0.1 to 0.5 stun reduction and 30 dmg bonus + per level
I guess you mean "downgrade" if you are talking about the speed.

To be honest... He is a starter Tank and its not anymore that easy to play like it was earlier, becouse of the other air starters like Medivac or Raider. The main reason for the Airship speed nerf was the easy way to start an ego game and that is not possible with Heli (if im wrong send me replaysWink ).

And as the Heli is a balanced Tank you need a compensation for the speed nerf and i dont see any clear solution for that.

So to come to an end - my oppinion:
I understand your point and im also not a fan of these superspeed air tanks but the Heli is totally ok as he is right now.
i feel it is pretty op , at least nerf 1 or 2 speed ,
.w3g   heli .w3g (Size: 644.46 KB / Downloads: 271)
.w3g   heli .w3g (Size: 644.46 KB / Downloads: 271)

Attached Files
.w3g   long range heli is really powerful in s.w3g (Size: 264.15 KB / Downloads: 275)
.w3g   reaLLY OP heli .w3g (Size: 483.37 KB / Downloads: 251)
I don't know if the heli should have a speed boost at all because it gives it such a hugh advantage over other starting tanks I don't even need to explain it.
Also its pretty rediculus that a tank that cost 4500g have a weaker version of the same abillity.
For heli just being air is just good enought maybe if the speed boost is removed up its base speed to atleast 305 to be as fast as raider or maybe a bit more.
As of now, thanks to the speed boost, heli is a very good if not the best starting tank in most cases.
Heli so small and so fast, can be hard to target sometimes. Don't nerf it still, but maybe increase a little its size !Smile
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
(2013-12-04, 19:49:35)GodStrongArms Wrote: Heli so small and so fast, can be hard to target sometimes. Don't nerf it still, but maybe increase a little its size !Smile

Well if heli don't need nerf, give Airship back full speed again because Airship was not that op to start with.
It only got nerfed because some players think its a ego tank because it lacks teaming abillites which is shuch a good reason to nerf it instead of for example change its abillites somewhat.
Also is not lack of teaming abillites a disadvantage, so they made a kinde of weak tank even weaker.
I agree with ur last statements. Airship shouldn't pay its lack of team-usability by being nerfed even more. So let's not confuse the tank and the players who play with it, thus penalizing them by nerfing the tank. So imho it'd be fair and logic to give back airship its previous speed.
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
This is how I would change the airship at the time of writing this:

What is the problem with the airship?
Answere it lacks teaming abilites.

The changes to the airships abillites:

Electro shocker:
Hits up to 5 targets
Damage lowered from 180*level to 120*level.
No damage increase for hitting less then 5 tagets.
One second stun to each target hitted.
Protection drones:
Reduce damage from enemies tanks by 10*level for each tank under the drones.
Max damage reduction is 60%
A tank is considered to be under the drones if it is 500 or less distance between it and and the airship using the drones.
The airship is allways under the drones.

Healing drones removed.
Last 10 secs.
Does not stack with other drones or any armor.

Speed skill:
Speed increased by 30*level, does not stack with other speed boasts.
Same as before.

This new airship can't be considered to be lacking teaming abillites while keeping the speed of the pre nerfed airship.
I think this is a far supperior solution then just to nerf the airship.
Airship with multistun on elektroshock would be redoutable. You'd have to increase a little the countdown or make it 0.1 sec stun to be fair. But i think it would be still OP and so i'd remain on normal elektroshock.
About drones, i like the proposition, but i'll go on 12 sec at least to be effective. And stack with armor (sounds logic).

Then airship would be a little more balanced towards teamplay than the current one, without giving away its "selfish way" totally. After all, it's all about balance.Wink
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
Well I wanted another air tank then the heli to have a stun (maybe I should suggest another air tank).
And their is also allready so many tanks with single stuns that I wanted just to add one early tank with multi.

The drones as of now don't feel usefull at all so a change here should be welcome.

Speed should be back to before because it should give max speed at full, come on its just worth 3000 gold at max, compare this to the to common tank cannon which is worth like 4050 gold.

Also airship is by far not the most ego tank, even pre nerft airship was not even close.
Some tanks that beats it as ego tanks if used that way:
Heavy: just use missile to steal kills, mortars to steal towers and ulti allows you to get alot of kills, nerfed no.
Gob: get a teleport and use your abillites on low hp tanks and buildings, nerfed no.
Hunter: very costly tank but just look at it, very long range hugh AOE cannon to kill low hp enemies, ulti that can not only be used on enemies but on allies to keep them from killing the enemies, even its tank cannon only targets tanks making it easier to get kills, nerfed no.
That just some tanks that can easly play more ego then the pre nerfed airship and non of them got nerfed at all.
Air tanks do have the advantage of mobility therefore they do not have a stun (but heli a short one and sky fortress a channeling spell) and will not get one.
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
(2013-12-13, 15:31:35)eSVau Wrote: Air tanks do have the advantage of mobility therefore they do not have a stun (but heli a short one and sky fortress a channeling spell) and will not get one.

But atleast you will consider to change the airships abillites or atleast change the speed skill because its very very strange the 1k heli got a better version of the same skill as the 4.5k airship, if you think about it airships only advantage is it got more hp per gold better ulti and better base speed but need to by boost to get it max speed.
Heli got better base skills, heal advantage and is way cheaper so airship is basicly useless because heli do it better and if you want to upp you airtank, just get storm or even sky tank which both is superior to the airship.

What airships need is a change not a nerf basicly you made it the worst airtank of them all.

However air in it self may need a nerf but that is a different ting to just nerf airship.
(2013-12-13, 18:57:25)Flygplan Wrote:
(2013-12-13, 15:31:35)eSVau Wrote: Air tanks do have the advantage of mobility therefore they do not have a stun (but heli a short one and sky fortress a channeling spell) and will not get one.

But atleast you will consider to change the airships abillites or atleast change the speed skill because its very very strange the 1k heli got a better version of the same skill as the 4.5k airship, if you think about it airships only advantage is it got more hp per gold better ulti and better base speed but need to by boost to get it max speed.
Heli got better base skills, heal advantage and is way cheaper so airship is basicly useless because heli do it better and if you want to upp you airtank, just get storm or even sky tank which both is superior to the airship.

What airships need is a change not a nerf basicly you made it the worst airtank of them all.

However air in it self may need a nerf but that is a different ting to just nerf airship.
airship is supposed to be the worst air tank of them all. it costs 4.5k and you cant expect it to be op. storm seems more useful but it has a huge weakness its only good against airtanks it sucks against ground. if you consider that then airship is very well balanced. drones is still an op ability if used properly. players just need to realize thats the ability to use and not shock if you want to achieve somethingTongue. Besides at least with speed nerf all games stopped having 5-6 airships in them out of which 4-5 sucked/fed but still used it for the only reason of free mobility+speed.
(2013-12-13, 20:33:23)EarthR Wrote:
(2013-12-13, 18:57:25)Flygplan Wrote:
(2013-12-13, 15:31:35)eSVau Wrote: Air tanks do have the advantage of mobility therefore they do not have a stun (but heli a short one and sky fortress a channeling spell) and will not get one.

But atleast you will consider to change the airships abillites or atleast change the speed skill because its very very strange the 1k heli got a better version of the same skill as the 4.5k airship, if you think about it airships only advantage is it got more hp per gold better ulti and better base speed but need to by boost to get it max speed.
Heli got better base skills, heal advantage and is way cheaper so airship is basicly useless because heli do it better and if you want to upp you airtank, just get storm or even sky tank which both is superior to the airship.

What airships need is a change not a nerf basicly you made it the worst airtank of them all.

However air in it self may need a nerf but that is a different ting to just nerf airship.
airship is supposed to be the worst air tank of them all. it costs 4.5k and you cant expect it to be op. storm seems more useful but it has a huge weakness its only good against airtanks it sucks against ground. if you consider that then airship is very well balanced. drones is still an op ability if used properly. players just need to realize thats the ability to use and not shock if you want to achieve somethingTongue. Besides at least with speed nerf all games stopped having 5-6 airships in them out of which 4-5 sucked/fed but still used it for the only reason of free mobility+speed.

I really doub't its supposed to be the weakest air tank because that is then the point to have it in game then?
Right of now one of its skills (the speed boast) is pretty much useless, if you take it you will have a pretty slow tank and lack of skill points and if you don't take it you will have to pay for the boost eventualy leaving this skill with little use which is bad design.
Better would be right now to remove it complety and put something more usefull in its place.
If you start with heli its very little reason to purcase airship, for the 4k airship cost you can purcase steel hull and up it, you will have it before you can purcase airship which is a advantage not to overlook.
Airship may be supperior vs ground compared to storm but the cheaper heli is supperior to airship vs ground.
Then you may say airship is better vs air then heli but I rather take the heli because it can stun.
Airship don't have a really useage right of now because the cheap heli can outperform it more or less and Storm is far superior as a teaming tank.
If you want a midgame airtank you should not take the airship as of now take Storm or Sky Tank both which give more for their price.
(2013-12-13, 22:20:53)Flygplan Wrote:
(2013-12-13, 20:33:23)EarthR Wrote:
(2013-12-13, 18:57:25)Flygplan Wrote:
(2013-12-13, 15:31:35)eSVau Wrote: Air tanks do have the advantage of mobility therefore they do not have a stun (but heli a short one and sky fortress a channeling spell) and will not get one.

But atleast you will consider to change the airships abillites or atleast change the speed skill because its very very strange the 1k heli got a better version of the same skill as the 4.5k airship, if you think about it airships only advantage is it got more hp per gold better ulti and better base speed but need to by boost to get it max speed.
Heli got better base skills, heal advantage and is way cheaper so airship is basicly useless because heli do it better and if you want to upp you airtank, just get storm or even sky tank which both is superior to the airship.

What airships need is a change not a nerf basicly you made it the worst airtank of them all.

However air in it self may need a nerf but that is a different ting to just nerf airship.
airship is supposed to be the worst air tank of them all. it costs 4.5k and you cant expect it to be op. storm seems more useful but it has a huge weakness its only good against airtanks it sucks against ground. if you consider that then airship is very well balanced. drones is still an op ability if used properly. players just need to realize thats the ability to use and not shock if you want to achieve somethingTongue. Besides at least with speed nerf all games stopped having 5-6 airships in them out of which 4-5 sucked/fed but still used it for the only reason of free mobility+speed.

I really doub't its supposed to be the weakest air tank because that is then the point to have it in game then?
Right of now one of its skills (the speed boast) is pretty much useless, if you take it you will have a pretty slow tank and lack of skill points and if you don't take it you will have to pay for the boost eventualy leaving this skill with little use which is bad design.
Better would be right now to remove it complety and put something more usefull in its place.
If you start with heli its very little reason to purcase airship, for the 4k airship cost you can purcase steel hull and up it, you will have it before you can purcase airship which is a advantage not to overlook.
Airship may be supperior vs ground compared to storm but the cheaper heli is supperior to airship vs ground.
Then you may say airship is better vs air then heli but I rather take the heli because it can stun.
Airship don't have a really useage right of now because the cheap heli can outperform it more or less and Storm is far superior as a teaming tank.
If you want a midgame airtank you should not take the airship as of now take Storm or Sky Tank both which give more for their price.
For the record the strongest air tank is med but thats another story altogether.
the problem is that all you care to change in airship is speed again. You are like those who only buy/bought the tank for its speed and dont even care about its other abilities all they cared about was to mass weapons and be useless all game. Even your suggestion tend to bring speed back into play. I cant take anything seriously when all you complain about is speed. How about you suggest an ability that will replace speed? Also heli isnt better than airship vs ground tanks. You just play it wrong if you think that. the biggest problem airship has is that its useless in team fights. You can do wonders on 1vs1 fights but in team fights its useless. And that was one of the major reasons why so many wanted it to change. You had always airships in mid for no other reason than i will get cheap tank+free speed i will mass weapons to steal all creeps and then be useless all game while feeding like hell.
If you want to win the game(or at least make some difference) you buy tanks above heavy depending on what your enemy has (storm if the enemy has many air tanks). If your goal is to buy thunder or airship you already lose half the fight.
Well I have allready made one suggestion to how the airship could be changed to make it more team friendly however I will now make a new suggestion how it can be changed:

Name: Airship
Cost: Not suggested
Hitpoints: Not suggested
Speed: Not suggested
Description: Airships abillites allows it to easy operate behind enemies lines destroying buildings with ease and attacking unsuspecting enemies however the airship lacks strong nuking abillites and teaming abillites giving it problem in dirrect confortations and team vs team battles.


Shoker: same as now.

Building buster: Drop a big bomb at targeted building which alot of damage.

Only vs buildings.
Damage 1k*level
Colddown 30 sec

Smoke Generator: Pasive skill which makes the Airship invisible for enemies and is only discovered if it get close enougth or by invisible detectors.

Detection range 1000-100*(level-1) so at level 5 range is 600.

Ulti: Remote bomb
Place out a bomb which you later can detonate by using the skill again, however the bomb can be discovered and destroyed.

Damage 2000 + 500*(level-1)

Tank canon/Building canon:
Tank canon same as now
Building canon targets only buildings but do more damage.

This may not by far be the best suggestion to the airship.
But this airship do what many players use airtanks for, attacking buildings before even all cps is captured.
I don't think this airship is op because you can defend against it and its weak vs all tanks basicly if you can se it but it will punish you hard if you don't try to fight it.
(2013-12-14, 19:17:06)Flygplan Wrote: Well I have allready made one suggestion to how the airship could be changed to make it more team friendly however I will now make a new suggestion how it can be changed:

Name: Airship
Cost: Not suggested
Hitpoints: Not suggested
Speed: Not suggested
Description: Airships abillites allows it to easy operate behind enemies lines destroying buildings with ease and attacking unsuspecting enemies however the airship lacks strong nuking abillites and teaming abillites giving it problem in dirrect confortations and team vs team battles.


Shoker: same as now.

Building buster: Drop a big bomb at targeted building which alot of damage.

Only vs buildings.
Damage 1k*level
Colddown 30 sec

Smoke Generator: Pasive skill which makes the Airship invisible for enemies and is only discovered if it get close enougth or by invisible detectors.

Detection range 1000-100*(level-1) so at level 5 range is 600.

Ulti: Remote bomb
Place out a bomb which you later can detonate by using the skill again, however the bomb can be discovered and destroyed.

Damage 2000 + 500*(level-1)

Tank canon/Building canon:
Tank canon same as now
Building canon targets only buildings but do more damage.

This may not by far be the best suggestion to the airship.
But this airship do what many players use airtanks for, attacking buildings before even all cps is captured.
I don't think this airship is op because you can defend against it and its weak vs all tanks basicly if you can se it but it will punish you hard if you don't try to fight it.
still all you suggest is to make airship even more ego. Not a single teamskill there. besides shocker is the most useless ability current airship has and you just want to keep that ability Confused
how do you determine who is worth of the role of destroying enemy buildings? you just make 1 of the players do his own selfish thing while the rest of the team has to fight the enemy.
(2013-12-14, 19:56:13)EarthR Wrote:
(2013-12-14, 19:17:06)Flygplan Wrote: Well I have allready made one suggestion to how the airship could be changed to make it more team friendly however I will now make a new suggestion how it can be changed:

Name: Airship
Cost: Not suggested
Hitpoints: Not suggested
Speed: Not suggested
Description: Airships abillites allows it to easy operate behind enemies lines destroying buildings with ease and attacking unsuspecting enemies however the airship lacks strong nuking abillites and teaming abillites giving it problem in dirrect confortations and team vs team battles.


Shoker: same as now.

Building buster: Drop a big bomb at targeted building which alot of damage.

Only vs buildings.
Damage 1k*level
Colddown 30 sec

Smoke Generator: Pasive skill which makes the Airship invisible for enemies and is only discovered if it get close enougth or by invisible detectors.

Detection range 1000-100*(level-1) so at level 5 range is 600.

Ulti: Remote bomb
Place out a bomb which you later can detonate by using the skill again, however the bomb can be discovered and destroyed.

Damage 2000 + 500*(level-1)

Tank canon/Building canon:
Tank canon same as now
Building canon targets only buildings but do more damage.

This may not by far be the best suggestion to the airship.
But this airship do what many players use airtanks for, attacking buildings before even all cps is captured.
I don't think this airship is op because you can defend against it and its weak vs all tanks basicly if you can se it but it will punish you hard if you don't try to fight it.
still all you suggest is to make airship even more ego. Not a single teamskill there. besides shocker is the most useless ability current airship has and you just want to keep that ability Confused
how do you determine who is worth of the role of destroying enemy buildings? you just make 1 of the players do his own selfish thing while the rest of the team has to fight the enemy.

I before this suggestion suggested a more team frendliy Airship then the current one is.
This time however I suggested another type of Airship which is more ego then the current one.
However I don't see the problem with ego tanks and Airship is not by far the most ego tank, alot of other tanks beat it at ego play.
I keept shocker on this Airship because I wanted it to have some sort of burst damage but changed all other abillites to make it more of a base killer who can sneak past enemy defences.
The point with this tank is to destroy buildings to get more gold, most important is the facs which will most likley win you the game because of the hugh gold advantage you get by destroying them.
By farming builds you can also get alot of gold which will help your team if you know how to later team upp with your allies.
You cant push an enemy tank with the airship you are suggesting. In fact you will make the game 4 vs 5 nobody can win a game that way. All your suggestions tend to make airship either too op or too ego. By building destroy all you will accomplish is get the towers at best So all that gold will be for you and you only advance troop pack is doing that way better and is way more useful. You will never get near factory with that ability set.

Btw all tanks can be ego played the point is since its a team game you should use the tank for team purpose. There is difference between stupid play and right way to play. There arent many players left that know how to team play anymore.
(2013-12-18, 12:05:08)EarthR Wrote: You cant push an enemy tank with the airship you are suggesting. In fact you will make the game 4 vs 5 nobody can win a game that way. All your suggestions tend to make airship either too op or too ego. By building destroy all you will accomplish is get the towers at best So all that gold will be for you and you only advance troop pack is doing that way better and is way more useful. You will never get near factory with that ability set.

Btw all tanks can be ego played the point is since its a team game you should use the tank for team purpose. There is difference between stupid play and right way to play. There arent many players left that know how to team play anymore.

At best right now we don't know how this Airship will perform in pratics so we can't say that it will not be able to destroy facs or troop pack is better because we don't really know how players will play with or against an invisible tank which should be good vs buildings.

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