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why ppl getting banned without even ban request or anything? and galadion just telling ppl oo u gonna get ban where the ban request?????? proff me what i did lol
First tell your ingame name seriously... And the game where it happened. Otherwise no admin will ever care to your giberish...
:D "you see whole replay and then come back to say please!"Big Grin
===== FAM_Nexes... To be continued... GodStrongArms, Nexes, Canneton =====
i should tell where it happen lol mb ban request should tell where that happend i i just ask why ppl getting banned without ban request . And im not talking to u a not admin or anything..
the bans within the bots accounts to over a thousand of usernames, with the last ones entered over a week ago. if you can't provide any useful informations, don't expect anything in return.
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Hi there all bans are done through ban request only some exceptions and most are reviewed (or i look at them anyway) if you have any concerns regarding your accounts and not being able to play just post some details and i can help you out (galadion has no greater influence then you here everyone is treated equally.)

Regarding being threatened or accused or breaking rules that can result in a ban please look here :

If your not breaking any of these rules you have nothing to worry about admins exercise good judgement you will be treated fairly.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
name FreeStyler
Hi you were banned by another admin for flaming i read through the chat log of your past 5 games there is some instances of flaming nothing to excessive from what i saw this is a warning please don't flame (Maybe the other admin will add more here but for now you are unbanned.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
hey bennie, you dont play league those times and you ruin the games for people who try to play for fun ! 
oldone told me after game "freestyler" (THX) used maphack in 3v5 game thats why they won. he told them where the mines.........
u just unban naps who flame and insult. 

games are starting because i waste my time to call all players for league. 
yesterday i had no time to play but i called people to start the game for other.

 you dont help us with your unban shit really.. he has 100 accs maybe he is strolch but i dont care at this moment i do what i want.
 this is so fucking bullshit ! ! !
He wasn't banned for map hack so how could any one us possibly know he map hacks ? Now that i know i can do something about it and check for maphack  (as stating i unban names why are insulting me i have never put a foot wrong  he was banned for flaming for 7 days his ban time has expired aswell as i checked his last 6 games previously where in total he flamed 3-4 times over 5 games nothing really  it was 1 phrase a game or so.

Who is the moron who checks every ban request and ban appeal and games last year? Who is the only one here who doesn't rage ban ? Who is the only person here who gives everyone  a fair chance.

Why don't you put in a valid ban request there is a balancing act you play if your an admin especially with such a small community .

Its really rich now saying that i unban naps who flame and insult.

I don't need your bullshit here i have never had a complaint from anyone else and your own complaint is invalid read what you said and tell me how i could of done anything differently you raging here doesn't help.

Accusing me of ruining your fun is hilarious though if you don't having useful to say dont comment here anymore he posted about being banned (he was banned for flaming) He shouldn't have been banned for flaming it had been over 7 days i unbanned him what did you want me to do just keep you happy?

Who are all these people i unban ?

I volunteer here i get nothing from it. Next time time you come on here and say stupid things i will not help you its simple infact before accusing me of anything bring your facts to the floor son quite upset by this post
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
(2015-09-30, 23:24:25)BENNIE.FM Wrote: I volunteer here i get nothing from it. Next time time you come on here and say stupid things i will not help you its simple infact before accusing me of anything bring your facts to the floor son quite upset by this post

I'm grateful that you do this job and i like the way you do it and you doing it well   :)
Marvin Wrote:The first ten million years were the worst and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million years I didn't enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline
you know you are the best admin atm, sorry i was pissed of player "THX". thx is strolch.
its not fun to make 100 request for this guy
Thanks Esvau , Its ok mate we are all angry at times esvau do you know how to pick on maphack or confirm hes using it i can ask some friends who are good with map hack detection tools to have a look but i am pretty sure most of it relates to fog of war and fog clicks etc , I am working atm when i get home i will have a very good look at this when i get home we will get to the bottom of this.
Cat power < needs to be implemented into btSmile
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM

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