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[8.49] pathing of side factories
Pathing of side player factories reverted to the old path where they would just go mid rather than following the side lane.
I don't really understand what the problem is
I understand. But it isnt a big problem. It replay you just move factory to the CP and it start to work fine.
Make me happy by the ze.
it's not just that either. also, it seems like u can put a side factory closer to base then a factory in the middle lane. a factory on the side placed before the first two towers will have its creeps go mid. i don't like that at all. in 1vs1, 1vs2, and 1vs3s, 1vs4's and 1vs5's its more advantageous to have them go to the sides so u can farm extra gold from those lanes and push them while staying mid where most the experience and gold is. it'd be nice to be able to put them by the base and still produce creeps which go to the appropriate lane.
Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?
JpOO Wrote:I understand. But it isnt a big problem. It replay you just move factory to the CP and it start to work fine.
The problem is if you go put it by the CP in the top lane instead of attacking the opposing CP it will go to the mid. It's by no means game breaking but it is something that they went through the trouble of fixing in 8.48 and it broke in 8.49.
Well, it was no new bug. It worked this way ever since I changed the path finding, so that they also follow the side lanes. I improved it now, so that in situations like shown in the replay they'll choose the right lane.
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