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Who gets how much Force Gold
Exodus Wrote:But why should the defending team get any advantage for letting the enemy destroy their base?
I played some of those games. It seems somehow the defenders still get more money than the attackers. Also the players gets ALL the creeps kills, also they do get to kill some tanks too. Even if the enemy gets 5k force gold every 5 min, and perhaps 1k in tank killing (making it 6k), The defenders have earned 9-11k (Including that the defenders usually gets some more kills, and massive creep kills, also if they are 3 players). The defending team already have a super advantage, especially if they are only 2-3. Less gold to share and stronger the become.

This gives them a big chance to turn the battle,
I lost a game like this recently. Had all 6 cps in a 2v2 and destroyed about 4 of their factories. they had no chance and I shouldnt have gotten cocky in league and started upgrading and building factories, but it's usually very easy to win once youre at that stage. The general rule is to build a factory or two near their base, then in their base, and just keep the pressure on until it's over. This is much harder to do later in the game as factories can get destroyed so easily by large tanks and you still don't get the tank kill. Maybe factories should be stronger...those are the games in which the "losing" team somehow ends up winning. The only alternative to this in long games where people are too powerful to be buldings factories is to sit at your cp and just wait for the gold to come in. However, this tends to take forever and becomes very boring. People want to get the game over with rather than turtle at their cps. The defending team can turtle with a heal aura as long as they like as long as you keep attacking, however, and usually end up getting a lot of tank kills. There should be something changed so that this doesnt happen, and people dont have to resort to stalling and waiting for gold every 5 min. when you have destroyed their factories and have all 6 cps, the game is clearly over, it shouldnt take another hour to finish it.
Share the love in the unknown. Only way to understand (understatement) (wink). -Bang Bang in Blindingly Brilliant Bliss because of benevolent beneficiary being belonging 'bove, always, love...
This is my first post on this site

I'm not particularly good at battle tanks, but I do have a couple comments

The lack of exp doesn't seem to be much of a problem to me because if the game goes on long enough, everyone ends up with 5 upgraded frost lasers and an ultimate pack, or some variation on that, and theres nothing left to buy except updates anyway
Of course, at this point, which side has more players is virtually guaranteed to win. Except that the game rarely goes on this long

Also as to the slow wait getting gold for the superior side thing, I've heard that trading is a great way to get around that. Is this true? I suppose that there needs to be some compensation for the wait in a no-trader game.

And for an unrelated question: when a weapon fires into a crowd of creeps with a tank in it, how does the game decide which unit to target? I sometimes find myself getting hit despite being surrounded by creeps, the weapon just happened to hit my tank out of all the nearby targets. On the other hand, I also often see weapons firing uselessly at creeps
k-bones Wrote:Remember that destroyed base is not only less cash for attackers, it's less force cash for defenders.


less force cash means much more overall cash, since every attacking creep has to be destroyed (or it will destroy you). just read the first 3 posts of this thread. its like playing tinker without items to keep your bounty low. :mrgreen:

Bhangbhangduc Wrote:The lack of exp doesn't seem to be much of a problem to me because if the game goes on long enough, everyone ends up with 5 upgraded frost lasers and an ultimate pack, or some variation on that, and theres nothing left to buy except updates anyway
Of course, at this point, which side has more players is virtually guaranteed to win. Except that the game rarely goes on this long

games will hardly ever go to that point. in fact, i never saw that situation, and i played mayn games. i saw a titan with 5 frost lasers and an ulti pack, but even then your are far away of getting so many updates to make up for the loss of XP.

i once played a game, where we ended up with an average level 6, playing against a team with average level 25. we shouldve won so clearly as we took out most of their base so fast, but the exp (and force-gold) disadvantage turned the battle.
couldn't you have just sat there and waited for the gold advantage to kick in?
Quote:couldn't you have just sat there and waited for the gold advantage to kick in?

it is just a problem, that defenders without force factories in base earn gold and xp faster, than team with all cps and factories.

as i said, the team which lost factories in base, shouldnt earn gold for killing creeps. then it will be balanced. and games end fast.
there will be no 1hour fight, to destroy last building.
FAM_Plyvak Wrote:as i said, the team which lost factories in base, shouldnt earn gold for killing creeps.
btw that's not so hard to implement I think. Maybe the factories should spawn "player creeps" so they won't give much gold and 0 experience.

If both enemy commander fabs is down, the other teams commander fabs produce "player creeps". What about it? Should make a long game end much faster this way. They give no experience when killed. If all enemy fabs is destroyed, the other team fabs produce "player creeps". This doesn't affect CP's.

I have such system in my Naval Battle map, but not in insane mod yet...
which gold advantage?
A team has more players has a large gold advantage
A team which killed the other teams factories has a medium gold advantage

The main problem I can see is when a team with less players kills the other teams factories. In the case, the team with more players may have to wait hours before they get an overwhelming advantage.
Quote:A team which killed the other teams factories has a medium gold advantage

team which killed other teams factories has no gold adventage. worse, they have less gold, because they are killing no creeps
they get the creepgold anyway.

but just every 5 minutes, which means the are averagely 2,5 minutes "behind" in gold (the other team's force will kill no creep, so they will get the full creepgold too).

its just a little disadvantage, but there shouldnt be any disadvatage of killing the enemies base.
but in fact, if the game goes on:

-you get much less ecperience
-the enemy team can now have factories in their own base (easier to defend)
-you get your gold later than the enemies
Don't forget that you get only 33% of the gold from the force, or less if there are less players on the team.

The enemy is only killing creeps and gets 100% instantly.
If I did the math correctly, it may be possible for the losing side to get a gold advantage, but only if they were already strong enough to kill all the creeps anyway, and the winning side wasn't

In other words, getting your base killed is only an advantage if you are already overfed
Quote:(15 * 4 * (24+(game min) / 2.5)) / (Player number) = Bounties you would get if you killed all creeps from that destroyed factory... If not, it must be corrected to this. But i think it already works like that.
Yeah i found my quote at lastSmile (9 march)

I hope it works like that.
Exodus, does the force gold distribution still work in the same way in 8.73?
Yep, the game mechanics thread is still up to date.
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