2008-12-24, 07:29:20
Ghost bot is still very new to me and I barely understand or can use any of it. Thanx again morkardar for telling me about it.
I'm still working out bugs for ghost bot as well. I can't get the autohost to work either. And i can't change the game owner in game either so if the game creater from the lobby leaves then the game stays up, can't be started by anyone including me, and can't be unhosted by anyone but me in the admin game from lan mode. Since I'm usually afk when ghost bot is on this sucks really bad. When I'm afk the autohost would be much nicer since qweqbot would be the game owner of all the games will always start when full. (hypothetically)
The good news is i played a game while another guy was hosting one using my ghost bot and we didn't get any lag during our games. I'm going to try hosting 3 or more games at a time now. I can play in northrend or azeroth like normal while qweqbot hosts in lordaeron for my friends and clan.
I'm still working out bugs for ghost bot as well. I can't get the autohost to work either. And i can't change the game owner in game either so if the game creater from the lobby leaves then the game stays up, can't be started by anyone including me, and can't be unhosted by anyone but me in the admin game from lan mode. Since I'm usually afk when ghost bot is on this sucks really bad. When I'm afk the autohost would be much nicer since qweqbot would be the game owner of all the games will always start when full. (hypothetically)
The good news is i played a game while another guy was hosting one using my ghost bot and we didn't get any lag during our games. I'm going to try hosting 3 or more games at a time now. I can play in northrend or azeroth like normal while qweqbot hosts in lordaeron for my friends and clan.

Why's the rothchild family crest and the illuminati symbol on my 1 dollar bill? Why do rich and powerful American "christian" leaders have gay sex and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl at Beach Grove every year? Why doesn't anyone care?