2008-03-06, 16:27:21
Removing the kick vote completely seems out of the question to me, as kicking - sadly - often is necessary, you cannot stand by and watch how a feeder ruins the game, or a total noob who decides it's a great idea to switch back to tinker, get some e-torps, and start towering the base - after 30 minutes or so. We all know that asking a feeder to be more careful / stay behind his lines / get a hull etc. doesn't really help, especially if he doesn't respond, doesn't speak English or is just plain dumb ;-)
I haven't really had a problem with excessive flaming, and I am talking about flaming, not the occasional "stop blocking me moron", so a system based on a player's kill/death-ratio and based on his movement seems reasonable, DotA comes to mind, where the players are automatically asked if they want to kick a player who has been afk for a while, 10 or 15 minutes I guess.
Kicking for leavergold sure sucks, but the simple solution, as DerSatan has mentioned, is using a banlist (for detection of multiple use of an IP) and not allowing people who know each other. This also has the benefit that you don't lose 2 people if they get a discon, and no one leaves because his mate left, for whatever reason. Again, kicking for gold, imho, does occur scarcely in normal pub games with people who don't know each other.
I haven't really had a problem with excessive flaming, and I am talking about flaming, not the occasional "stop blocking me moron", so a system based on a player's kill/death-ratio and based on his movement seems reasonable, DotA comes to mind, where the players are automatically asked if they want to kick a player who has been afk for a while, 10 or 15 minutes I guess.
Kicking for leavergold sure sucks, but the simple solution, as DerSatan has mentioned, is using a banlist (for detection of multiple use of an IP) and not allowing people who know each other. This also has the benefit that you don't lose 2 people if they get a discon, and no one leaves because his mate left, for whatever reason. Again, kicking for gold, imho, does occur scarcely in normal pub games with people who don't know each other.