2009-02-01, 01:39:39
bangyouredead Wrote:You can look it up but i think it's "competitiveness." Anyway, wtf psycho...I don't really give a shit about clans, if you're good I'll play you (even if I don't like you). Still it's hard not to form opinions about some clans. i am friends with some bug and they aren't all dicks, but quite a few come across as unhumorful dicks (might be the language barrier, I can be very sarcastic...). Also on east there's toaf...That clan seems pretty retarded in general. Have never really had a good game with them, one got custom kicked, one they had a guy on our team who ruined the game on purpose (think we still won) wait no we lost because everyone was kicked, and the rest we slaughtered them...did it alone with feeder pubs one game. So in general, stereotyping is a bad thing but the old maxim that stereotypes have a grain of truth still holds...
hahah bang thats so funny haha omg...sigh this acutally made me laugh bang when you say your friends with bug you MEAN BENNIE.FM when you mean they arent all dicks you mean me haha yes toaf is funi but there not all retards lol only 3/4 of there clan are sigh
Cat power < needs to be implemented into bt
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM
Accounts are : , Imba_Kitten, DJ.FM,BENNIE.FM