2009-04-24, 00:03:30
Added building only to the btanks wiki, you forgot that.
THe long CD one will not work because it will be like energy torpeedoes. Good if it hits, but absolute junk otherwise. A marine with full upgrades has 1600 HP, so 2400 damage will be wasted if you hit one. I'd prefer a weapon with like a .1 second cooldown (154 damage per shot) It would fit with bombarding rocket's/rocket hail's damage.
THe long CD one will not work because it will be like energy torpeedoes. Good if it hits, but absolute junk otherwise. A marine with full upgrades has 1600 HP, so 2400 damage will be wasted if you hit one. I'd prefer a weapon with like a .1 second cooldown (154 damage per shot) It would fit with bombarding rocket's/rocket hail's damage.