2009-04-28, 13:28:43
1/ Cover shield
It makes the tank and allied in 900 range invincible to damage during 1.5 sec. As "q" skill, player must be able to use it just before the shot touch him. The countdown is reduced with level. This skill would help to survive the first charge of long range attack.
2/ Decoy
It create 3 mirror of the tank during 5 sec to 15 sec (at level 5).
This skill helps to evade and to assault. Reducing by 4 the probability to be hit. Really basic one but useful.
3/ Fast EMP rocket.
Really fast rocket that does an area effect (500). It has a really long range (2500) and does not work in range lower than 1000. IT desactivate enemies item during 3 to 6 sec.
Non of these skills do damage but they are aimed to teamwork or survival.
It makes the tank and allied in 900 range invincible to damage during 1.5 sec. As "q" skill, player must be able to use it just before the shot touch him. The countdown is reduced with level. This skill would help to survive the first charge of long range attack.
2/ Decoy
It create 3 mirror of the tank during 5 sec to 15 sec (at level 5).
This skill helps to evade and to assault. Reducing by 4 the probability to be hit. Really basic one but useful.
3/ Fast EMP rocket.
Really fast rocket that does an area effect (500). It has a really long range (2500) and does not work in range lower than 1000. IT desactivate enemies item during 3 to 6 sec.
Non of these skills do damage but they are aimed to teamwork or survival.
I am so good that I don't even need to type -rc because I never die !