2009-05-07, 06:18:28
You aren't a noob! (OK, I get the point of this thread)
-Learn to play by playing against the bots, once you can survive well in the beginning, go onto bnet.
-Stay behind your creeps, they will take fire for you
-Buy weapons of a certain range area to gain an advantage at that range.
-Make sure you have enough HP to survive for more than 0.01 seconds (buy a new tank or a hull)
-Stick with your team to take a CP most effectively (and to not die as much)
-Watch the minimap before trying to take a CP alone or with a group
-If you have longer range than your opponent, try to stay out of their range while having them in yours.
-Don't charge the enemy creeps unless your opponent is guaranteed to die in a short period of time
-Buy a teleporter if you have short range weapons to get close to your enemies
-Goblin Tank and Sky Tank are both tanks with powerful anti-ground abilities, be wary of them if you are a ground tank.
-Learn to play by playing against the bots, once you can survive well in the beginning, go onto bnet.
-Stay behind your creeps, they will take fire for you
-Buy weapons of a certain range area to gain an advantage at that range.
-Make sure you have enough HP to survive for more than 0.01 seconds (buy a new tank or a hull)
-Stick with your team to take a CP most effectively (and to not die as much)
-Watch the minimap before trying to take a CP alone or with a group
-If you have longer range than your opponent, try to stay out of their range while having them in yours.
-Don't charge the enemy creeps unless your opponent is guaranteed to die in a short period of time
-Buy a teleporter if you have short range weapons to get close to your enemies
-Goblin Tank and Sky Tank are both tanks with powerful anti-ground abilities, be wary of them if you are a ground tank.