2009-05-09, 01:11:13
Well ... although it would have been better to sleep
, i took a few hours to test and calculate the gold numbers...
I could reproduce the bug with a bot - but dont ask me how - it just happened after 15minutes gametime - I couldnt reproduce in a normal 5k game but however here is, what I found out.
It only happens after 15 mintes in the replay and no longer over the whole game, although i let the AI get all points and conquered them back - everything was correct.
What happened after 5minutes:
Dark force earned about 10400 gol --> /6 --> YOu received 1750Gold from darkforce, +1/+1 Upgrades everything works like it should.
When the 15 Minutes gametime comes the following happened:
Light force got 10.000Gold --> should have been /6 something like 1666Gold for the AI, but ...
You received 2275Gold , 0 Upgrades (+0/+0)
5 Minutes before the force couldnt update 2 updates so it was 2/1 or 1/2, because AI lost a CP. But after the 15Minutes Gametime there should be enough Money to get +1/+1 from the "Upgrade saving pool".
The Money the Ai should get is 1666, but the AI gets 2275 - the difference is about 600 Gold. If you multiplicate it by a factor of 6 you got 3600Gold the force got as "Extra Money". ----> THAT seems to be the upgrade Money :mrgreen:
In rare situations I think the force didnt spend the money, but instead lower the POOL-MONEY by the factor for the players (0.33 [1/3] for 5Players and 0.166 [1/6] for 1 Player) and give it to the players.
So in a 5 Player game. 3000GOld / 3 --> 1000gold spread ----> all 5 Players receive 200 extragold, but force gets no upgrades.
I think that it is really true, because I thought in one game when we got no upgrade (My first post) that we received 800+ Gold, but 5 and 10 minutes before usally got 600+ Gold, that was strange - I though the force got much towers and kills or so, but maybe its really just because the poolmoney was spend to the players :mrgreen:
I will watch the other Replay and calculate it and report it soon.
HereĀ“s the replay:

I could reproduce the bug with a bot - but dont ask me how - it just happened after 15minutes gametime - I couldnt reproduce in a normal 5k game but however here is, what I found out.
It only happens after 15 mintes in the replay and no longer over the whole game, although i let the AI get all points and conquered them back - everything was correct.
What happened after 5minutes:
Dark force earned about 10400 gol --> /6 --> YOu received 1750Gold from darkforce, +1/+1 Upgrades everything works like it should.
When the 15 Minutes gametime comes the following happened:
Light force got 10.000Gold --> should have been /6 something like 1666Gold for the AI, but ...
You received 2275Gold , 0 Upgrades (+0/+0)

5 Minutes before the force couldnt update 2 updates so it was 2/1 or 1/2, because AI lost a CP. But after the 15Minutes Gametime there should be enough Money to get +1/+1 from the "Upgrade saving pool".
The Money the Ai should get is 1666, but the AI gets 2275 - the difference is about 600 Gold. If you multiplicate it by a factor of 6 you got 3600Gold the force got as "Extra Money". ----> THAT seems to be the upgrade Money :mrgreen:
In rare situations I think the force didnt spend the money, but instead lower the POOL-MONEY by the factor for the players (0.33 [1/3] for 5Players and 0.166 [1/6] for 1 Player) and give it to the players.
So in a 5 Player game. 3000GOld / 3 --> 1000gold spread ----> all 5 Players receive 200 extragold, but force gets no upgrades.
I think that it is really true, because I thought in one game when we got no upgrade (My first post) that we received 800+ Gold, but 5 and 10 minutes before usally got 600+ Gold, that was strange - I though the force got much towers and kills or so, but maybe its really just because the poolmoney was spend to the players :mrgreen:
I will watch the other Replay and calculate it and report it soon.
HereĀ“s the replay:
Random Player
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^
- noob, nobody, medium, pro - we will see what happens ^^