2007-06-09, 06:40:52
DOGG1 Wrote:I've made this suggestion before and i'll make it again:Wouldn't it be wonderful if one of these 3 things happened?
Why does invisibility = invincibility?
Example: Buy smoke generator. Go invisible, run into enemy mines. Nothing happens. It's a cloaking item good for battles against other tanks. But it's also a mine clearing item (more effective than the actual mine remote fuse) as a bonus.
You should cop damage from mines/explosives even when invisible. All the evidece you need is in this movie
Bob666 / Exodus: "Yes DOGG1, that is a good idea"
Bob666 / Exodus: "No DOGG1, that is a bad idea"
Bob666 / Exodus: "Hmm interesting. We're considering it"