2009-07-26, 01:10:51
Hi guys,
this is a special version of Battle Tanks. As some of you already noticed, the next Warcraft 3 patch features some changes of the Wc3 programming language, which will effectively make a lot of maps not playable anymore, when the patch is out. This also affects BT.
There already is a possibility of testing the new patch. When connecting to the Battle.Net, don't choose your regular realm, but the realm 'Westfall'. When doing so, the new patch will be installed. When connecting again to one of the other realms, the old version (1.23) will be installed again.
Using the new patch, I made a 1.24-compatible version of BT 8.61c and called it 8.61d. There are no differences beside the compatibility fix.
Although I don't expect any problems because of this (only three lines of code had to be changed), it would be nice, if some of you guys could test this map. This way we can make sure, that there will be no problems, when the actual patch will be released.
this is a special version of Battle Tanks. As some of you already noticed, the next Warcraft 3 patch features some changes of the Wc3 programming language, which will effectively make a lot of maps not playable anymore, when the patch is out. This also affects BT.
There already is a possibility of testing the new patch. When connecting to the Battle.Net, don't choose your regular realm, but the realm 'Westfall'. When doing so, the new patch will be installed. When connecting again to one of the other realms, the old version (1.23) will be installed again.
Using the new patch, I made a 1.24-compatible version of BT 8.61c and called it 8.61d. There are no differences beside the compatibility fix.
Although I don't expect any problems because of this (only three lines of code had to be changed), it would be nice, if some of you guys could test this map. This way we can make sure, that there will be no problems, when the actual patch will be released.
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