2009-08-05, 09:01:31
Terrabull Wrote:Well I'm not some expert programmer, but I think I've got a pretty good handle on these false positives. I already fixed Civ Wars to work with it. If you need a hand, I'm willing to help.Are you talking about those weird If-functions? Also, do you refer to compile errors or Warcraft crashes? Because I can compile the map with the new patch, it's just that it crashes at a lot of places.
The weird thing is, that the crashes are somehow related to the creep upgrades. When those are at least level 1, I get crashes. But they happen in functions that don't have anything to do with upgrades. Right now I'm not sure if it's worth the time trying to fix, what Blizzard destroyed or just wait for a new patch.
But still, thanks for the offering.
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