2009-10-05, 07:32:35
The most effective instrument in a seige is bringing a healing factory (or two) in close proximity. 2000 from the nearest tower or enemy factory is about right. Once the next obstacle is down, repack the factory forward and repeat.
Clearly all CPs (Control Points) need to be captured at this point and all teammates need to be ready BEFORE the factory is placed. If the enemy is really turtled, I like to mass mortars. This makes for a quick finish.
By the way, bringing a healing factory and placing it in front of an enemy CP is also a great strategy to tip the scales. That and always buy a barricade.
Early game buying re-inforcements off the enemy CP is a good tactic also. Late game not so much as it is easily countered with a single hero AOE attack ability.
People that recognize when to PUSH and call the power play are truly in touch with strategy in the game. There are many out there that randomly push and lane/farm, not recognizing when to turn back or when to push. These people need guidance from the pros.
A pro player is not the guy that farms the most.
- Rob
Clearly all CPs (Control Points) need to be captured at this point and all teammates need to be ready BEFORE the factory is placed. If the enemy is really turtled, I like to mass mortars. This makes for a quick finish.
By the way, bringing a healing factory and placing it in front of an enemy CP is also a great strategy to tip the scales. That and always buy a barricade.
Early game buying re-inforcements off the enemy CP is a good tactic also. Late game not so much as it is easily countered with a single hero AOE attack ability.
People that recognize when to PUSH and call the power play are truly in touch with strategy in the game. There are many out there that randomly push and lane/farm, not recognizing when to turn back or when to push. These people need guidance from the pros.
A pro player is not the guy that farms the most.
- Rob
Former Chieftain of Clan toaf on US EAST *Retired*
Just playing for the fun of it now.
Just playing for the fun of it now.