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HB is only evidence that the current mode is just broken.

The way income is gained is faster but you still get the
free 5-minute gold, but typically less than normal mode.
I'm going to assume that this was an attempt to "balance"
the mode, which is a contradiction of a sort.

HB is a faster, and funner mode to play. It actually lets
you "lane" for items more effectively than normal mode
because certain barriers of gold are gotten to faster, unlike
normal mode where everyone buys their gold hull at 10 mins
or whatever.

The other issue is with weapon scale. If there are quitters in
a game an it is HB, the person that goes 80-20 can farm up
a massing amount of gold BUT can't go beyond 5 carrion swarm
cannons (there's your damage cap) and is just left to lose the game
because there isn't anything better! Power pack is a great example of
where HP items taper off. You can't really get anything more, you have
to get hunter or something better than that to actually play seriously
later on. In all seriousness there really should be a 50,000 lazer and a
100,000 weapon of a sort to keep the game interesting, maybe with
a few more "Hull" kind of items or combinations.

Messages In This Thread
Re: RENAME HB SO PEOPLE GET THE MESSAGE - by scron2 - 2009-10-10, 00:48:47

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