2009-10-13, 03:06:39
GooglyBoogly Wrote:what about the trader tank?
Trader + tinker + heli combo in the mid can add up to some serious cash if not dealt with fast.
it's high risk -> high reward
In hb, It's not just bounty that is doubled.
Edit: I assume you are talking about lvl 1 tanks/creeps (with no other options)for the purpose of this thread?
The same reason I didn't add exploder and guard. They can only do one thing and don't need any specific mentioning. Sure, you can do some wierd weapon strat with exploder, but it isn't it's full potential. Airship and Ghost Tank are obviously excluded because they can't do anything well and should not be picked.
Going long range in mid takes no skill, so stop telling yourselves otherwise.