2010-01-23, 20:07:04
guest Wrote:i think alot of negative emotions like bennies obvious statment had alot to with the removal of HB and than psycho posting that there will be a solution for that problem is equally disturbing. I wonder what the solution to the problem Bennie was describing really was? I think hate of HB had alot to do with its removal. I dont understand where all that negativity was coming from. No one was making you people play or like HB. I guess hating a mode can be a good enough reason to remove it if youre an editor.
That's quite an extensive troll-quote list from Bennie. :lol: I agree, there was a lot of bias in the decision and little mud-flinging like that didn't help create constructive debate on whether removing HB was a good idea or not - or even necessary.
And yes, psycho doesn't like HB and tending the community is probably the last thing on his to-do list, but that's HIS viewpoint - and he's entitled to it. Yes, the red in his name does command authority - but his views doesn't necessarily conform everyone's views 100%. This was the point of forming the DevTeam, to grab a more thorough approach on how to change the game and dilute out the bias. Yes - despite this there was still a heavy bias against HB in this group - but that doesn't mean everyone has the same goals, views, and priorities in their mind on what's best for the game... Go dig up what the other DevTeam members say before jumping to the conclusion that they all think HB is the cancer killing BT and that they all want HBers to go play Battleships:
If everyone in this group hated HB as much as Bennie - perhaps you would like to explain why some of these DevTeamers are approving your posts?
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